Geological Sciences 302
Autumn 2002 (MIL 301)

Instructor:  Terry Swanson
Office:  102 Johnson Hall
Phone #: 543-1923
Office Hours: Tuesday 12:30-1:20 pm Thursday 12:30-1:20 pm.

Text: Quaternary Environments    Williams et al.  1998. Arnold Publishing (2nd edition)

Grades:   Your grade will be determined as follows:

Laboratory (JHN 306)           140 points (80 points labs, 60 points term paper and presentation)
Abstract (field trip)                20 points
Midquarter Exam                   120 points
Final Exam                             120 points

                       TOTAL  400 points

The midquarter and final exams will be short answer and essay type questions.  Both examinations cover material from lecture and the text.  The final examination will give greater emphasis to material covered in the second half of the quarter.  Students taking this course will be given writing credit; therefore, a 10-12 page research paper will required for this course.

Laboratory:  The laboratory is intended to introduce you to the practical applications of geology through group lab exercises and lab field trips.  You are expected to attend all weekly laboratory sessions.  You cannot complete this course without completing the lab.  Your lab instructor will discuss his/her lab schedule at the first lab meeting.  Labs commence on Tuesday October 9th!

Lab Fee:  A lab fee has been assessed to your tuition bill to cover the expenditures for copying lab handouts, van rentals for field trips, and miscellaneous lab supplies.

Honor System:  Rather than spend time trying to devise special tests, hire proctors, or compare papers, we have instituted an Honor System in this class: Students pledge to do their own work on assignments and tests.  You may find that we are much more respectful and trusting of you compared to some other classes; please do not violate that trust by asking others to supply you with assignment and/or test answers.  Cheating will be dealt with harshly.  We will go out of my way to help you learn, so please take advantage of our enthusiasm and not our trust!

Student Assistance:  My office hours will be flexible to accommodate your varied schedules.  Your lab instructor will also hold office hours to assist you with problems.

Field Trips:  A program of 2 weekend field trips will be offered on certain weekend days.  You will receive 20 points credit for attending at least one of these field trips and writing a scientific abstract on your field work.  There is no substitute for seeing geology first hand, so we encourage you to take full advantage these field trips.  There will be a sign-up list in class for those of you who would like to attend a particular trip.  None of the field trips are too strenuous that anyone need worry about their endurance.



Weeks 1-5

I.      Introduction to Ice Ages; Glacial Theory
       Assigned Readings:  Imbrie and Imbire handout

II.      Glaciers and Glaciation

III.     Glacial Landforms and Materials

 Ch. 1, 2 & 3

IV.  Ice Age Chronology
Ch. 3; Appendix,  Assigned Readings: Dating Methods

V.  Causes of Glaciation
  Ch. 2, 4  & 5  Assigned Readings 3: -terrestrial

 Ch. 1 & Ch. 2  Ancient Ice Ages (Pre-Pleistocene)
 (pp.38-86) Pleistocene Glaciation
 (pp. 86-96) Holocene Interglaciation

Midterm  Tuesday November 5th (in class)

Weeks 6-10

VI.  Evidence for Past Climatic Change

 Ch. 2: Ice Core Records
 Ch. 6: Sea Level Changes
 Ch. 7: Evidence from Oceans
 Ch. 8 & 9: Terrestrial Record
  Lakes, Rivers, Groundwater, and Arid Regions

 Ch. 10:  Terrestrial Flora and Fauna

 Ch. 11: Human evolution and migration

 Ch.  12:  Global climate models and atmospheric circulation

 Ch. 13: Future environmental change

VII.   Ice Ages and Glaciation

 Final Exam - Friday December 13th 10:30 am-12:20 pm (in class).