- Test 4 for the Frontiers in Computational Astrophysics 2004 workshop.
Different hydrodynamic codes are used to run the same simulation for comparison purposes. This movie shows the
equatorial and side views of a fragmenting protoplanetary disk. The colorscale indicates density.
- A simulation of protoplanetary
disk fragmentation shows that gas giants can form in hundreds of years. A heavier disk shows a significant amount of of chaotic evolution.
- A flyby (10MB) of a
volume limited sample of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey and a flyby (10MB) of a similar
volume from a Omega = 1 CDM dark matter simulation.
- Formation of a
small group of galaxies(700k). This is a short movie of a high resolution
dark matter simulation of the formation of a small group of galaxies
similar to our own Local Group of Galaxies. This is part of an on going
study of the formation of "local groups" of galaxies. Currently we are
mainly studying the dark matter environment of these groups with some
survey (low resolution) gas simulations. We will follow this up with
several high resolution gas simulations, which will be able to resolve
small satellite galaxies within such small groups.
- Evolution of structure in a
low Omega Universe(8MB).
- The Sloan Volume (1.8MB),
a 100 Mpc slice of a 1,000 Mpc volume using
CDM initial conditions. The simulation starts at
a redshift of 49. The eye traces extremely large filamentary structures
and voids. Watch for a low Omeaga simulation shortly.
This simulation was run on the IBM SP2 at the Cornell Theory Center.
- The Galaxy
Harassment Movie (28MB),
the evolution of a galaxy harassed by other galaxies in a cluster
of galaxies.
- MOVIE (800k) of
a "100 Mpc CDM cosmological simulation showing the evolution from a redshift
of 20 to redshift 0 (the present).
- Virgo Cluster run
being performed on the Cornell Theory Center KSR-1. The size of the box is
30 Mpc comoving containing roughly 1.3 million particles. The entire region
is being pulled upward by a large cluster which is not shown in these frames.
Note the large number of dark matter halos which form after a redshift of 9.
- Rotation about the z axis of a cosmological
simulation done by Couchman and Carlberg.
- The collapse of a dark halo.
- The collapse of a
high resolution dark halo (6MB).