Sept 1997 Observations from USNO

Kevin Krisciunas observed the following asteroids in Sloan colors at the USNO between 30 Sep. and 5 Oct, 1997. This data has been reduced, and reported on at the June 1998 AAS meeting.

See Tom Quinn or Kevin Krisciunas for details.

Asteroid Class
10 Hygeia C
68 Leto S
82 Alkmene S
138 Tolosa S
149 Medusa S
196 Philomela S
314 Rosalia C
349 Dembowska R
371 Bohemia AS
433 Eros S (neo)
446 Aeternitas A
480 Hansa S
683 Lanzia C
702 Alauda C
774 Armor S