using RiemannHilbert, ApproxFun, SingularIntegralEquations, Plots
x,t = 0.0,0.0
k = Fun(-5.5 .. 5.5) # truncate at 5.5 where 0.5exp(-5.5^2) is numerically zero
r = 0.5exp(-k^2)
θ = 4t*k^2+2x*k
G = [1-abs2(r) -conj(r)*exp(-im*θ);
r*exp(im*θ) 1 ]
Φ = transpose(rhsolve(transpose(G),500))
z = Fun(ℂ) # the Function z in the complex plane
println(2im*(z*Φ[1,2])(Inf)) # short-hand for taking limits
plot(,xlim = (-6,6),ylim=(-1,1), color =:black, label = "Initial contour", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
θ = z -> 4t*z^2+2x*z
r = z -> .5*exp(-z^2)
r̄ = z -> conj(r(conj(z)))
L = z -> [1 0; r(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(im*θ(z)) 1]
D = z -> [1-r(z)r̄(z) 0; 0 1/(1-r(z)r̄(z))]
U = z -> [1 -r̄(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(-im*θ(z)); 0 1]
P = z -> [1 0; r(z)*exp(im*θ(z)) 1]
M = z -> [1 -r̄(z)*exp(-im*θ(z)); 0 1]
x,t = 4.,8.
z₀ = -x/(4t)
rad = .8*sqrt(abs(log(r(0.))))
Γ = (Γ₀(0.,rad) + z₀) ∪ Segment(-5.5,z₀) ∪ (H₀(7)*rad + z₀)
J = [P,M,U,L,D,U,L,P,M]
G = generateRHP(J,Γ,100)
Φ = transpose(rhsolve(transpose(G),50*length(J)))
z = Fun(ℂ)
plot(Γ,xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-1,1), color =:black, label = "First deformed contour", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
J1,Γ1 = truncateRHP(J,J,Γ,1e-16,30)
G = generateRHP(J1,Γ1,100)
Φ = transpose(rhsolve(transpose(G),100*length(J1)))
z = Fun(ℂ)
plot(Γ1,xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-1,1), color =:black, label = "Truncated contour", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
function nls(r,x,t,n,rad) #for t > 0
θ = z -> 4t*z^2+2x*z
z₀ = -x/(4t)
if z₀ < -7.5
δ = (a,z) -> 1.
elseif z₀ > 7.5
lr = Fun(k -> log(1 - abs2(r(k))), -8..8)
δ = (a,z) -> exp(a*cauchy(lr,Complex(z)))
lr = Fun(k -> log(1 - abs2(r(k))), -8..z₀)
δ = (a,z) -> exp(a*cauchy(lr,Complex(z)))
r̄ = z -> conj(r(conj(z)))
L = z -> [1 0; r(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(im*θ(z)) 1]
Li = z -> [1 0; -r(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(im*θ(z)) 1]
D = z -> [1-r(z)r̄(z) 0; 0 1/(1-r(z)r̄(z))]
U = z -> [1 -r̄(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(-im*θ(z)); 0 1]
P = z -> [1 0; r(z)*exp(im*θ(z)) 1]
M = z -> [1 -r̄(z)*exp(-im*θ(z)); 0 1]
Δ = z -> [δ(1,z) 0; 0 δ(-1,z)]
Δi = z -> [δ(-1,z) 0; 0 δ(1,z)]
δLδ = z -> [1 0; r(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(im*θ(z))*δ(-2,z) 1]
Dδ = z -> [(1-r(z)r̄(z))*δ(-1,z) 0; 0 δ(1,z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))]
δUδ = z -> [1 -r̄(z)/(1-r(z)r̄(z))*exp(-im*θ(z))*δ(2,z); 0 1]
δPδ = z -> [1 0; r(z)*exp(im*θ(z))*δ(-2,z) 1]
δMδ = z -> [1 -r̄(z)*exp(-im*θ(z))*δ(2,z); 0 1]
DIδ = z -> (imag(z) >=0 ? Dδ(z) : Δi(z))
DUδ = z -> D(z)*U(z)*Δi(z)
LiMδ = z -> Li(z)*M(z)*Δi(z)
Liδ = z -> Li(z)*Δi(z)
ρ = .2/(1 + sqrt(t))
if ρ >= rad
error("Radii aren't correct")
Γ = ((Γ₀(ρ,rad) ∪ ρ*S₀) ∪ rad*H₀(4)) + z₀
J = [δPδ, δMδ, δUδ, δLδ, DUδ, DIδ, Liδ, LiMδ, δUδ, δLδ, δPδ, δMδ];
J1,Γ1 = truncateRHP(J,J,Γ,1e-16,40)
if length(components(Γ1)) <= 8
J2 = [x -> j(z₀ + x/sqrt(t)) for j in J1]
Γ1 = (Γ1-z₀)*sqrt(t)
G = generateRHP(J2,Γ1,2*n);
sc = 1/sqrt(t)
G = generateRHP(J1,Γ1,2*n);
sc = 1.
Φ = transpose(rhsolve(transpose(G),length(components(Γ1))*n));
z = Fun(ℂ)
return 2im*(z*Φ[1,2])(Inf)*sc,Γ1
r = z -> (0.5+0.0im)*exp(-z^2)
rad = .8*abs(sqrt(log(r(0.))))
q = (x,t) -> nls(r,x,t,40,rad);
out = q(1.,1.); print(out[1])
plot(out[2],xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-1,1), color =:black, label = "Small time", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
out = q(10.,10.); print(out[1])
plot(out[2],xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-1,1), color =:black, label = "Larger time", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
x,t = 100.,100.; out = q(x,t); print(out[1])
plot(out[2]/sqrt(t) - x/(4t),xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-1,1), color =:black, label = "Long time", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
x,t = 100.,100.; out = q(x,t); print(out[1])
plot(out[2],xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-3.2,3.2), color =:black, label = "Long time (rescaled)", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)
x,t = 10_000.,10_000.; out = q(x,t); print(out[1])
plot(out[2],xlim = (-6,4),ylim=(-3.2,3.2), color =:black, label = "Extremely long time (rescaled)", arrows = :arrows, linewidth=3)