Lab 5
We will consider implmenting the Gauss-Jordan method for computing the inverse of a matrix. In lecture, we discussed that an LU factorization is preferable to compute. But this is instructive as a coding exercise.
Exercise 1: Gaussian Elimination
Modify your Gaussian elimination w/partial pivoting code (if neccessary) so that it will work an an arbitrary matrix with
that is of full rank. Make sure the following code runs:
n = 10; A = gallery('clement',n,1); I = eye(n); GEpp([A,I])
It should return a matrix of the form [U,M] where U is upper-triangular
Exercise 2: Using the last row
Copy your
function to a new function
Now modify this function so that by using elementary row operations, it returns a matrix of the form [U,M] where the last column of U has only a one in its last entry --- the last column of U is the same as the last column of the identity matrix. Apply it to the same matrix as above.
Exercise 3: Using all the rows
Copy your
function to a new function
Now modify this function so that it returns a matrix of the form [I,M] where I is the identity matrix using only elementary row operations. Apply this to the same matrix as Exercise 1.
Exercise 4: DFT matrix
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a transform that is often used in signal processing and numerical analysis. MATLAB® has it implemented as
for a vector v. The DFT is a linear transformation. Construct its matrix representation
. Notice that it has complex entries. Compute
What do you notice?
Exercise 5: Fourier coefficients
Now consider the DFT of a complex exponential sampled on a uniform grid. Change 1j to 2j to -1j to -2j to 0. What do you notice?
n = 10; x = linspace(0,2*pi,n+1);x = x(1:end-1); fft(exp(0j*x))/n
For a function assume
Can you find a matrix T such that
gives you the coefficients (or at least, their approximation)?
Test your code with
$$f(x) = \sum_{i=-\infty}^\infty \frac{e^{i n x}}{|n|!}.$$
Note: you may have to increase to see something...