Homework 4
Section 6.1: 5a, 6a, 9, 12
Section 6.2: 1b, 5b, 31
Computer Assignment 4
Due Thursday, Oct 20 at 11:59pm
Use the pseudocode given below to implement both a Gaussian elimination function GE() and a backward substitution function Backsub().
function A = GE(A)
INPUT: A is an n x m matrix
OUTPUT: A an n x m upper-triangular matrix, or Inf if the method failed
STEP 1: For i = 1,2,...,n-1 do STEPS 2-5 STEP 2: Let p >= i be the smallest integer such that A(p,i) ~= 0. STEP 3: If p cannot be found then DISPLAY('Method failed: matrix is rank deficient') OUTPUT(A); STOP. STEP 4: If p > i do Ri <--> Rp on A STEP 5: For j = i+1,i+2,...,n do STEP 6 STEP 6: Do R_j - A(j,i)/A(i,i) R_i --> R_j on A STEP 7: If A(n,n) = 0 DISPLAY('Method failed: matrix is rank deficient') OUTPUT(A) STEP 8: OUTPUT(A); STOP.
function x = Backsub(U)
INPUT: U is an n x n + 1 upper-triangular matrix with non-zero diagonal entries
OUTPUT: the solution to U(1:n,1:n)x=U(1:n,n+1)
STEP 1: Set x = U(:,n+1); STEP 2: If U(n,n) = 0 then OUTPUT('Method failed: singular matrix') STOP. Else set x(n) = U(n,n+1)/U(n,n); STEP 3: For i = n-1,...,1 do STEP 4 STEP 4: If U(i,i) = 0 then OUTPUT('Method failed: singular matrix') STOP. Else set x(i) = U(i,n+1) - SUM( U(i,j)x(j), j= i+1,...,n ); x(i) = x(i)/U(i,i). STEP 5: OUTPUT(x); STOP.
NOTE: In the Backsub() pseudo-code the function SUM( U(i,j)x(j), j= i+1,...,n ) is equivalent to
(1) You should demonstrate that your code works to solve when
is invertible (i.e. non-singular) and gives an error message when
is singular. Test your code on different-dimensional linear systems. Using the
command will help you generate matrices of varying sizes.
(2) Consider the upper-triangular matrix defined by
Here is the binomial coefficient
binomial = @(j,i) factorial(j)/(factorial(i)*factorial(j-i));
If is defined in this way, then the following code constructs the inverse matrix
Uinv = eye(n); for i = 1:n Uinv(:,i) = Backsub([U,Uinv(:,i)]); end
Implement this and show that you do indeed compute the inverse.
EXTRA CREDIT: Make a guess as to what the entry of
is (the total for the assignment can't exceed 10pts)
function A = GE(A) % your function here end
function x = Backsub(U) % your function here end