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Calibrated Input File (LPL)
PC-3 Prostate Carcinoma Cells

  Deweese TL, Shipman JM, Dillehay LE, and Neslon WG.
  Sensitivity of human prostatic carcinoma lines to low dose rate radiation exposure.
  The Journal of Urology. 159, 591-598 (1998)

 DATE: 22-JUL-2003
 REVISED: RD STEWART 11-Nov-2003 (increased DSB yield to 40 DSB/cell-Gy and
     refit to updated  survival data)



MODEL: DRM=LPL CKM=QECK !Model Specification 
CELL: DNA=5.667D+09 NC=46 
IRAD: CL=40 FL=1.3693508E-01 
CLRP: RHT=6.7365134E+00 BMR=1.9419944E-05 GAM=0.25 A0=0.95 
CCKM: TCC=10 TPOT=20 GF=0.0 N0=1 KAP=1.0D+38 VOL=1 
RBM: KX=6.0E+06 FMAX=1 !Analysis of PFGE data

! Parameters that impact on solution accuracy 
SOLVER: DBLV=0 ETOL=1.0E-09 MXSS=999999 HMAX=10

! Parameters that control the time steps and stopping criteria 
SIMCON: FSDX=1 TSAX=12 TCUT=96 FRDL=1.0D+00 RCUT=1.0D-09

!IRRADIATION CONDITIONS (single fraction) 
RADX: ADR=RX1 AD=RX2 RX1 = 0.25 60 / !dose rate (Gy/h) 
RX2 = 0 0.1 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 25 30 35 /

School of Health Sciences
Purdue University

Last updated: 10 June, 2011