VC 2.00J 25-SEP-2003 11-NOV-2003 02:36:49 PM by RD Stewart ( PROGRAM FILE INPUT/OUTPUT AND RUN-TIME OPTIONS: ================================================================================ CMD: vc lpl.inp ..\xdat\lncap.xdat -c FNI: lpl.inp FNO: lpl.out RADX: ..\xdat\lncap.radx (8 exposures) XDAT: ..\xdat\lncap.xdat (8 experiments) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCAT SUMMARY: BEST-FIT MODEL PARAMETERS (method = BCONF): ========================================================================================== --- PARAMETER --- ----- CONSTRAINTS ----- INITIAL OPTIMAL PID CID NAM Minimum Maximum GUESS VALUE 2001 CLRP BMR 0.00000E+00 1.00000E+00 1.00000E-04 9.1553856E-02 1101 IRAD FL 0.00000E+00 2.00000E+00 1.00000E-01 3.5095104E-01 2201 CLRP RHT 1.00000E-02 2.40000E+01 2.00000E+00 1.2266402E-02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIGURE OF MERIT (FOM): 1.37055E-02 (nfom=752, nsim=6016, nmx=8, nox=8, ndf=4, nap=3) COMBINED UNWEIGHTED RESIDUAL: Stats: min=-1.113E-01 max=2.468E-01, mean=1.3552E-02, stdev=1.1632E-01, var=1.3529E-02 Student's T test (mean=0, NDF=4): Pr>ABS(0.32954)= 7.5828E-01 (acceptable fit) Shapiro-Wilk's Test: (Pr<0.91446)=3.914E-01 (passed normality test) COMBINED WEIGHTED RESIDUAL: Stats: min=-3.933E-02 max=8.725E-02, mean=4.7913E-03, stdev=4.1124E-02, var=1.6912E-03 Student's T test (mean=0, NDF=4): Pr>ABS(0.32954)= 7.5828E-01 (acceptable fit) Shapiro-Wilk's Test: (Pr<0.91446)=3.914E-01 (passed normality test) QECK TABLE: Cell and tissue kinetic parameters. ================================================================================ Duration of cell cycle (TCC): 10.00000 h Potential doubling time (Tpot): 480.00000 h (= 20.000 days) Cell birth rate (AX): 1.6636E+00 cell/day (= LOG(2)/TCC) Cell death rate (BX): 1.6289E+00 cell/day [=AX-LOG(2)/TPOT] Net cell birth rate (AX-BX): 3.4657E-02 cell/day Initial Number of Cells: non-dividing: 1.00000E+00 (100.000% = 1-GF) dividing: 0.00000E+00 ( 0.000% = GF) total: 1.00000E+00 (100.000% total) Life Support Capacity of System: Initial system capacity utilization: 0.000000% (=F0) Peak cell density (cells/cm^3): 1.00000E+38 (=KAP) Tissue volume (cm^3): 1.00000E+00 (=VOL) Maximum number of cells (cells): 1.00000E+38 (=KAP*VOL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPLM TABLE: Summary of LPL parameters and related (derived) quantities. ======================================================================== G0/G1 DNA CONTENT: 5667.000 Mbp/cell = 3.482938E+12 Da/cell ENDOGENOUS DAMAGE: per (h-Da) per (h-Mbp) per (h-cell) DSB = 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 RADIATION DAMAGE: per (Gy-Da) per (Gy-Mbp) per (Gy-cell) DSB = 1.14846E-11 7.05841E-03 40.000000 FL = 1.00763E-13 6.19289E-05 0.350951 DAMAGE REPAIR/MISREPAIR: A0= 9.500000E-01 (=95.000%) (1-A0)= 5.000000E-02 (=5.000%) RHT= 0.012266 h (=0.74 minute) LAM= 5.6507781E+01 (1/h) BMR= 9.1553856E-02 (1/h) LAM/BMR= 6.1720810E+02 GAM= 0.250 ***** EQUIVALENT LQ MODEL PARAMETERS ***** alpha = 0.350951 (1/Gy) beta = 0.324040 (1/Gy^2) alpha/beta = 1.083049 (Gy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: 1 bp = 614.6 Da (amu) = 1.0205E-09 pg MCAT FIT: CELL SURVIVAL AS A FUNCTION OF DOSE AND DOSE RATE (LNCAP cells). ===================================================================================================== -------- EXPOSURE SUMMARY -------- Duration Dose Dose Rate ---------------- SURVIVING FRACTION -------------- EXPERIMENT (h) (Gy) (Gy/h)* Measured Norm. Wt Predicted Residual ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2.4040E+01 6.0100E+00 2.5000E-01 1.21012E-01 1.25E-01 1.19263E-01 -1.4666E-02 2 4.7828E+01 1.1957E+01 2.5000E-01 1.09550E-02 1.25E-01 1.45441E-02 2.4677E-01 3 7.1652E+01 1.7913E+01 2.5000E-01 1.95600E-03 1.25E-01 1.76800E-03 -1.0633E-01 4 3.3558E-02 2.0135E+00 6.0000E+01 2.66970E-01 1.25E-01 2.40242E-01 -1.1125E-01 5 6.6652E-02 3.9991E+00 6.0000E+01 3.61300E-02 1.25E-01 3.80181E-02 4.9662E-02 6 9.9925E-02 5.9955E+00 6.0000E+01 5.20000E-03 1.25E-01 5.65478E-03 8.0424E-02 7 1.3311E-01 7.9868E+00 6.0000E+01 8.30000E-04 1.25E-01 8.39927E-04 1.1819E-02 8 1.6639E-01 9.9833E+00 6.0000E+01 1.30000E-04 1.25E-01 1.24045E-04 -4.8009E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDUAL: Stats: min=-1.113E-01 max=2.468E-01, mean=1.3552E-02, stdev=1.1632E-01, var=1.3529E-02 Student's T test (mean=0, NDF=4): Pr>ABS(0.32954)= 7.5828E-01 (acceptable fit) Shapiro-Wilk's Test: (Pr<0.91446)=3.914E-01 (passed normality test) WEIGHTED RESIDUAL: Stats: min=-3.933E-02 max=8.725E-02, mean=4.7913E-03, stdev=4.1124E-02, var=1.6912E-03 Student's T test (mean=0, NDF=4): Pr>ABS(0.32954)= 7.5828E-01 (acceptable fit) Shapiro-Wilk's Test: (Pr<0.91446)=3.914E-01 (passed normality test) NOX=8, NPAR=3 CFE.SF: Cell survival data for LNCAP cells. ========================================================================================= -------- EXPOSURE SUMMARY -------- ------------ ENDPOINT ------------- DATASET ID Duration Dose Dose Rate Fraction Fraction Standard CFE RADX (h) (Gy) (Gy/h) Killed Viable Error (%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 2.4040E+01 6.0100E+00 2.5000E-01 8.78988E-01 1.21012E-01 1.00E+01 2 2 4.7828E+01 1.1957E+01 2.5000E-01 9.89045E-01 1.09550E-02 1.00E+01 3 3 7.1652E+01 1.7913E+01 2.5000E-01 9.98044E-01 1.95600E-03 1.00E+01 4 4 3.3558E-02 2.0135E+00 6.0000E+01 7.33030E-01 2.66970E-01 1.00E+01 5 5 6.6652E-02 3.9991E+00 6.0000E+01 9.63870E-01 3.61300E-02 1.00E+01 6 6 9.9925E-02 5.9955E+00 6.0000E+01 9.94800E-01 5.20000E-03 1.00E+01 7 7 1.3311E-01 7.9868E+00 6.0000E+01 9.99170E-01 8.30000E-04 1.00E+01 8 8 1.6639E-01 9.9833E+00 6.0000E+01 9.99870E-01 1.30000E-04 1.00E+01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CFE.DXA: Additional details from the cell survival assay (LNCAP). ===================================================================================== DATASET ID ---------- TIME (h) ----------- DOSE ---- LETHAL DAMAGE --- CFE RADX RADX TTP ETSI (Gy) #/(cell Gy) #/(cell) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 2.404E+01 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 6.0100E+00 3.5139E-01 2.1119E+00 2 2 4.783E+01 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 1.1957E+01 3.7752E-01 4.5140E+00 3 3 7.165E+01 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 1.7913E+01 3.4817E-01 6.2369E+00 4 4 3.356E-02 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 2.0135E+00 6.5588E-01 1.3206E+00 5 5 6.665E-02 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 3.9991E+00 8.3034E-01 3.3206E+00 6 6 9.992E-02 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 5.9955E+00 8.7717E-01 5.2591E+00 7 7 1.331E-01 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 7.9868E+00 8.8823E-01 7.0941E+00 8 8 1.664E-01 1.200E+01 4.000E+02 9.9833E+00 8.9629E-01 8.9480E+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ETSI: Total elapsed time (after irradiation) before colonies are counted. TTP: Time available for repair before cells are plated. Total VC execution time (min): 0.23960 VC 2.00J 25-SEP-2003 11-NOV-2003 02:37:04 PM