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![]() | Robert D. Stewart, Ph.D. Medical Physicist and Associate Professor Department of Radiation Oncology School of Medicine University of Washington 1959 NE Pacific Street Box 356043, Room EE 122H Seattle, WA 98195-6043 206-598-7951 office 206-598-6218 fax trawets@uw.edu |
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Research Interests
Professional Experience
2010 - present | Medical Physicist and Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington |
2008-2010 | Assistant Head, School of Health Sciences, Purdue University |
2008-2010 | Director, Graduate Program in Radiological Health Sciences, Purdue University |
2006-2010 | Director, Undergraduate Program in Radiological Health Sciences, Purdue University |
2006-2010 | Associate Professor (tenured), School of Health Sciences, Purdue University |
2003-2006 | Assistant Professor (courtesy), Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics, Oregon State University |
2002-2006 | Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences, Purdue University |
1997-2002 | Senior Scientist, Radiation and Biophysics Research, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
1998 | Adjunct Faculty, Math Department, Columbia Basin College, Pasco WA |
1990 - 1993 | Research Scientist, Dosimetry Research and Technology, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Professional Affiliations
Radiation Research Society. Physics Councilor (2005-2008) and member of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee (2004-2005). Associate Editor for the journal Radiation Research (2007-2011).
Selected Presentations
RD Stewart, Radbiological Foundations of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) (pdf), Presented at the 2016 MMTI Workshop in Seattle, WA.
RD Stewart, Models and Mechanisms Connecting Physics and Biology at Multiple Scales in the Biological Hierarchy (pdf), Presented at the 2014 AAPM Meeting in Austin, TX (TU-A-BRE-3, July 22, 2014; Abstract #23482).
RD Stewart, Multiscale Modeling of Radiation Response: Effects of Radiation Quality and Hypoxia (pdf). Invited keynote presentation, 4th Modelling of Tumors (MOT) Meeting, Adelaide, South Australia, August 2-4, 2012
RD Stewart, Robust Biologically Guided Radiation Therapy (BGRT) (pdf). Invited keynote presentation, 4th Modelling of Tumors (MOT) Meeting, Adelaide, South Australia, August 2-4, 2012
RD Stewart, BGRT - Relative Biologically Effectiveness (RBE) and Oxygen Effects in Particle Therapy (pdf). University of Washington, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seattle, WA April 23, 2010
RD Stewart, BGRT - Effects Inter-Patient and Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity (pdf) University of Washington, Department of Radiation Oncology, Seattle, WA April 22, 2010.
RD Stewart, Induction of Clustered DNA Lesions by Ionizing Radiation – Insights from Biophysical Modeling (pdf). Presented at the Symposium: Stochastic Track Models (L. Harrison and A. Asaithamby, chairs) 55th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Savannah, GA, October 4, 2009.
RD Stewart, Monte Carlo Simulation of the Effects of Oxygen on Clustered DNA Lesions Formed by Ionizing Radiation (pdf). Presented at the Symposium: Stochastic Track Models (M. Dingfelder and R. Stewart, chairs) 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Boston, MA, September 22, 2008.
RD Stewart, Effective Treatment Planning with Imperfect Models and Uncertain Biological Parameters (pdf). Presented at the Symposium: Translating Physics and Biology into the Clinic (R. Stewart and J. Deasy, chairs) 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, Boston, MA, September 23, 2008.
VA Semenenko and RD Stewart, Effects of intercellular signal-mediated cell death and neoplastic transformation on transformation frequency at low doses of ionizing radiation. Oral presentation and poster presented at the 53st Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, November 5-8, 2006.
R.D. Stewart. Induction, Repair and Biological Consequences of Clustered DNA Lesions. Continuing Education Lecture (CEL-8), 51st Annual Meeting Health Physics Society. Providence, Rhode Island, June 25-29 (2006).
R.D. Stewart and R.K. Ratnayake. Implications of intercellular signaling for the shapes of dose-response relationships. DOE Low Dose Program Workshop V, Washington DC, April 25-27, 2005
Selected Publications
Meyer J, Stewart RD, Smith D, Eagle J, Lee E, Cao N, Ford E, Hashemian R, Schuemann J, Saini J, Marsh S, Emery R, Dorman E, Schwartz JL, Sandison GA. Biological and dosimetric characterisation of spatially fractionated proton minibeams. Phys Med Biol. 62, 9260-9281 (Oct 20, 2017). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/aa950c.
G.B. Moffitt, R.D. Stewart, G.A. Sandison, J.T. Goorley, D.C. Argento, T. Jevremovic, MCNP6 model of the University of Washington clinical neutron therapy system (CNTS). Phys. Med. Biol. 61 937-957 (2016).
R.D. Stewart, S.W. Streitmatter, D.C. Argento, C. Kirkby, J.T. Goorley, G. Moffitt, T. Jevremovic, George A. Sandison, Rapid MCNP Simulation of DNA Double Strand Break (DSB) Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) for Photons, Neutrons, and Light Ions. Phys. Med. Biol. 60. 8249-8274 (2015).
W.D. Newhauser, R. Zhang, T.G. Jones, A. Giebeler, P.J. Taddei, R.D. Stewart, A. Lee, O. Vassiliev. Reducing the cost of proton radiation therapy: the feasibility of a streamlined treatment technique for prostate cancer. Cancers (Basel). 7(2):688-705 (2015). doi: 10.3390/cancers7020688.
L.Polster, J. Schuemann, I. Rinaldi, L. Burigo, A.L. McNamara, R.D. Stewart, A. Attili, D.J. Carlson, T. Sato, M.J. Ramos, B. Faddegon, J. Perl, H. Paganetti. Extension of TOPAS for the simulation of proton radiation effects considering molecular and cellular endpoints. Phys Med Biol. 60(13):5053-70 (2015). doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/60/13/5053.
Seth I, Schwartz JL, Stewart RD, Emery R, Joiner MC, Tucker JD. Neutron exposures in human cells: bystander effect and relative biological effectiveness. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 4; 9(6):e98947. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098947. eCollection 2014.
JL Schwartz, D Murray, RD Stewart, MH Phillips, Modeling Clinical Radiation Responses in the IMRT Era. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. XVII International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR2013) 489 (2014) 012059. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/489/1/012059
D Corwin, C Holdsworth, R Rockne, AD Trister, MM Mrugala, JK Rockhill, RD Stewart, M Phillips, KR Swanson, Toward patient-specific, biologically optimized radiation therapy plans for the treatment of glioblastoma. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 12; 8(11): e79115. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079115.
C Kirkby, E Ghasroddashti, Y Poirier, M Tambasco, RD Stewart, Monte Carlo Simulations of Relative DNA Damage From KV CBCT Radiation. Phys. Med. Biol. 58, 5693-5704 (2013)
A.G. Georgakilas, P.O'Neill, R.D. Stewart, Induction and Repair of Clustered DNA Lesions: What Do We Know So Far? Radiat. Res. 180,100-109 (2013)
CH Holdsworth, D Corwin, RD Stewart, R Rockne, AD Trister, KR Swanson, M Phillips. Adaptive IMRT using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm integrated with a diffusion–invasion model of glioblastoma. Phys. Med. Biol. 57, 8271-8283 (2012). See also the MedPhysWeb news article Glioblastoma model enables adaptive IMRT
M.C. Frese, V.K. Yu, R.D. Stewart, D.J. Carlson, A Mechanism-Based Approach to Predict the Relative Biological Effectiveness of Protons and Carbon Ions in Radiation Therapy, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 83, 442-450 (2012). See also the MedPhysWeb news article Mechanistic Model Predicts RBE.
R.D. Stewart, V.K. Yu, A.G. Georgakilas, C. Koumenise, J.H. Park, D.J. Carlson, Effects of Radiation Quality and Oxygen on Clustered DNA Lesions and Cell Death, Radiat. Res. 176, 587-602 (2011)
C. Holdsworth, R.D. Stewart, M. Kim, J. Liao, M. Phillips, Investigation of effective decision criteria for multiobjective optimization in IMRT, Medical Physics 38(6), 2964-2974 (2011)
D.J. Carlson, R.D. Stewart, V.A. Semenenko and G.A. Sandison, Combined use of Monte Carlo DNA damage simulations and deterministic repair models to examine putative mechanisms of cell killing. Rad. Res. 169, 447-459 (2008)
Y Hsiao and R.D. Stewart, Monte Carlo Simulation of DNA Damage Induction by X-rays and Selected Radioisotopes. Phys. Med. Biol. 53, 233-244 (2008)
Y Hsiao, RD Stewart, and XA Li, A Monte-Carlo derived dual-source model for helical Tomotherapy treatment planning. TCRT 7(2), 141-148 (2008)
R.D. Stewart and X.A. Li, BGRT: Biologically Guided Radiation Therapy – the future is fast approaching! Medical Physics 34, 3739-3751 (2007). Also selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research (http://www.vjbio.org/), Volume 14(6), September 15, 2007
D.J. Carlson, R.D. Stewart and V.A. Semenenko, Effects of oxygen on intrinsic radiation sensitivity – a test of the relationship between aerobic and hypoxic linear-quadratic (LQ) model parameters. Medical Physics 33(9), 3105-3115 (2006)
R.D. Stewart, R.K. Ratnayake, and K. Jennings. Microdosimetric model for the induction of cell killing through medium-borne signals. Radiat. Res. 165, 460-469 (2006)
V.A. Semenenko and R.D. Stewart. Fast Monte Carlo simulation of DNA damage formed by electrons and light ions. Phys. Med. Biol. 51(7), 1693-1706 (2006)
V.A. Semenenko and R.D. Stewart. Monte Carlo Simulation of Base and Nucleotide Excision Repair of Clustered DNA Damage Sites. II. Comparisons of Model Predictions to Measured Data. Radiat. Res. 164, 194-201 (2005)
V.A. Semenenko, R.D. Stewart, E.J. Ackerman. Monte Carlo Simulation of Base and Nucleotide Excision Repair of Clustered DNA Damage Sites. I. Model Properties and Predicted Trends. Radiat. Res. 164, 180-193 (2005)
D.J. Carlson, R.D. Stewart, X.A. Li, K. Jennings, J.Z. Wang, and M. Guerrero. Comparison of in vitro and in vivo α/β ratios for prostate cancer. Phys. Med. Biol. 49, 4477-4491 (2004)
V.A. Semenenko and R.D. Stewart. A fast Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate the spectrum of DNA damages formed by ionizing radiation. Radiat Res. 161(4), 451-457 (2004)
J.Z. Wang, X.A. Li., W. D’Souza, R.D. Stewart. Impacts of prolonged dose-delivery time on tumor control: a note of caution for IMRT, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 57(2), 543-552 (2003)
M. Guerrero, R.D. Stewart, J. Wang, and X.A. Li. Equivalence of the Linear-Quadratic and Two-Lesion Kinetic Models. Phys. Med. Biol. 47, 3197–3209 (2002)
R.D. Stewart, W.E. Wilson, J.C. McDonald, and D.J. Strom, Microdosimetric Properties of Ionizing Electrons in Water: A Test of the PENELOPE code system. Phys. Med. Biol. 47(1), 79-88 (2002)
R.D. Stewart, Two-Lesion Kinetic Model of DSB Rejoining and Cell Killing. Radiat. Res. 156(4), 365-378 (2001)
R.D. Stewart, On the Complexity of the DNA Damages Created by Endogenous Processes. Radiat. Res. 152(1), 101-104 (1999)
Book Chapters
RD Stewart, JH Park, DJ Carlson, Isoeffect Calculations in Adaptive Radiation Therapy and Treatment Individualization. In Adaptive Radiation Therapy, a volume in a series of books on Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy, ed. X. Allen Li, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, p. 105-123 (2011).
R.D. Stewart and V.A. Semenenko, Induction and Repair of DNA Damage Formed by Energetic Electrons and Light Ions, In Handbook of Cancer Models With Applications to Cancer Screening, Cancer treatment and Risk Assessment, W.Y. Tan and L. Hanin, Editors. World Scientific Publishing Company, (August 2008). ISBN-13: 978-9812779472.
Last updated:
December 06, 2017
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