

Title of Joint Paper


Auerswald, Phillip

Harvard University, Kennedy School



Begun, Jeffrey

University of Washington, Tacoma

In Search of a Sulphur Dioxide Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach

Environment and Development Economics

Gao Rollinson, Yuan (Monica)


The Accuracy of IMF Crisis Nowcasts

International Forecast Journal (R&R)

Helfman, Lindy

Intellectual Ventures / Amazon

Robust FDI Determinants: Bayesian Model Averaging in the Presence of Selection Bias

Journal of Macroeconomics

Henn, Christian


In Search of WTO Trade Effects: Preferential Trade Agreements Promote Trade Strongly, But Unevenly

Journal of International Economics

Henn, Christian


One Money, One Market: A Revised Benchmark For the Effects of Currency Unions on Trade Flows

Review of International Economics

Henn, Christian


Trade Creation and Diversion Revisited: Accounting for Model Uncertainty and Natural Trading Partner Effects (with Chris Papageorgiou)

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Kang, Jong Woo

Korean Ministry of Finance Asian Development Bank

FDI, Exports or Acquisition: Optimal Entry Modes for Multinational Corporations

Journal of Development Economics

Kim, Sang Choon

Yeung Nam University

Market Structure and Innovation Revisited: Endogenous Productivity, Training and Market Shares

Edward Elgar Press

Kawai, Reina

World Bank

IMF Trade Forecasts for Crisis Countries: Bias, Inefficiency and Their Origins

International Forecasting Journal

Kawai, Reina

World Bank

Systemic Bias of IMF Reserve and Debt Forecasts for Program Countries


Kuenzel, David

Wesleyan University

The Elusive Effects of Trade on Growth: Export Diversity and Economic Take-Off

Canadian Journal of Economics

Kuenzel, David

Wesleyan University

Forecasts In Times of Crises

International Journal of Forecasting

Kuenzel, David

Wesleyan University

Constitutional Rules and Determinants of Social Infrastructure

Journal of Macroeconomics

Kuenzel, David

Wesleyan University

European Influence and Economic Development

Canadian Journal of Economics

Lenkoski, Alex

University of Heidelberg

Bayesian Model Averaging and Endogeneity Under Model Uncertainty: An Application to Development Determinants, (with Adrian Raftery)

Econometric Reviews

Lenkoski, Alex

University of Heidelberg

Modeling Uncertainty In Macroeconomic Growth Determinants Using Gaussian Graphical Models,(with Adrian Dobra)

Statistical Methodology

Leukert, Andreas

University of Zurich (offer), UBS

Institutions and Economic Performance: Endogeneity and Parameter Heterogeneity

Journal of Money Credit and Banking

Lorenczik, Christian

University of Oxford



Newiak, Monique


Intellectual Property Rights as Development Determinants

Canadian Journal of Economics

Roehn, Oliver


Institutional Determinants of Economic Performance in OECD Countries –An Institutions Climate Index

Journal for Institutional Comparisons

Roehn, Oliver


Institutions and Growth in OECD Countries (with Wolfgang Ochel and Anja Rohwer)

Journal for Institutional Comparisons

Roehn, Oliver


Sources of the German Productivity Demise

German Economic Review

Roehn, Oliver


Unraveling the Fortunes of the Fortunate: An Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging (IBMA) Approach (also with Chris Papageorgiou)

Journal of Macroeconomics

Schreiber, Till

College of William and Mary

Structural Policies and Growth: Time Series Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Journal of Development Economics

Strobel, Thomas

IFO Institute at the University of Munich

Information Technology and Productivity Growth: German Trends and OECD Comparisons

Edward Elgar Press

Strobel, Thomas

IFO Institute at the University of Munich

The Rise and Fall of German Productivity: Software Investment as the Decisive Driver

Cesifo Economic Studies

Ziran (Josh) Ding

Bank of Lithuania