Syllabus contents:

Course Description

Course Requirements

Required Readings

Other Information


Cognate Accusative

Hal Clause Handout

Hakim Play

Tamyiz Handout

Shortcut to
Turnin Area

ARAB 432,Winter 2004
Advanced Arabic

Instructor: Terri DeYoung
Office: M(ezzanine)29-C, Denny Hall
Office Hours: W 3-5
e-mail: tdeyoung@u.washington.edu
Phones: (206)543-6184 / (206)543-6033
(Main Dept.Office--Leave message)

Class Meetings: TWTh 10:30-11:50
Location: Denny 205 

Course Description

Arabic 432  is the second in the sequence of 
advanced courses for the study of Modern 
Standard Arabic. It is designed to develop
skills in the variety of Arabic written and spoken
(on formal occasions) in 19 countries of the Middle
East,from Morocco in the west to the borders 
of Iran in the east, and from Lebanon in the 
north to the Sudan in the south.

Arabic 432 is a direct continuation of 
the first quarter of the third-year Arabic
sequence, ARAB 431. Thus, automatic enrollment
in this course is limited to those who have
already completed Arabic 431 at The 
University of Washington within the last two
years. Others must take a placement exam,
offered through the Near Eastern Languages
and Civilizations Department. For more 
information on this exam and enrollment in
the advanced level of Arabic, contact the instructor
before classes begin.

The course will focus on developing all four
language skills: reading, writing, listening and
speaking. There will be regular graded assignments
where the student will be asked to demonstrate
progressive mastery of speaking and writing 
skills. New grammar material will be introduced,
but there will also be systematic review
of previously covered material. There will also be 
emphasis on vocabulary enrichment.

This quarter, class will meet for 80 minutes, 
3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
at 10:30 in Denny 205. 


Course Requirements

Homework: There will be regular homework 
assignments. Homework will be graded on a +,
±, or - basis. Homework turned in more than two
days late may or may not be corrected, at the 
discretion of the instructor. If not corrected, it will 
be assigned a grade of ±. 

Quizzes: There will be comprehensive quizzes
(or graded written assignments) every for lesson,
or approximately every third week. There will also
be vocabulary quizzes every other week. Quizzes will
receive grades based on the 4.0 scale: 4.0, 3.9,
3.8 etc. Comprehensive quizzes are worth twice
as much in determining the grade as vocabulary
quizzes. A student may take one quiz late per
quarter, no questions asked. After that, a student 
must demonstrate a compelling reason 
(e.g., serious illness) in order to take a quiz late. 
Since cumulative quizzes are regularly taken 
throughout the quarter, there will be no separate
final exam for the course. 

Evaluation: The final grade in the course will be
determined on the following basis: 

Class Participation and Homework:  40% 
Quizzes:  60%


Required Readings

There will be one required textbook for the class:
Kristen Brustad, Mahmud Al-Batal and Abbas Al-Tonsi,
Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya, Vol. 2. The textbook is available from the University Bookstore Textbook
Department. Continuing students will have already
purchased the textbook, so they will not need to buy it.


Other Information

If students have not already done so, they need to
purchase a copy of A Dictionary of Modern Written
Arabic by Hans Wehr, which they should have available
from the beginning of the quarter. 


 Last Updated:

Contact the instructor at: tdeyoung@u.washington.edu