Download ROADTRIPS 2.0 (Beta)

The current release of ROADTRIPS is 2.0 (Beta). It is available as a gzipped tar archive that contains all of the source code and documentation as well as a precompiled binary for Linux 64 bit machines. It also contains example input and output files.
  1. Download the archive ROADTRIPS2.0.tar.gz
  2. Gunzip and untar the archive contents: tar xvfz ROADTRIPS2.0.tar.gz
  3. Switch to the newly created directory containing the source: cd ROADTRIPS
  4. To get started, follow the instructions in the ROADTRIPS2_Documentation.pdf file
If you do not have the tar and gunzip utilities available, you can download each of the files in the ROADTRIPS distribution individually.  GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

We have a precompiled binary of ROADTRIPS for Linux platforms in case you do not want to compile the code yourself.
After downloading the above files into a directory, read the file ROADTRIPS2_Documentation.pdf for instructions on how to compile and run the code.