################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################## ### R Scripts: let's read Gene2 into R and analyze it library(SKAT) Z = as.matrix(read.table("Gene2.txt", header = F)) maf = apply(Z,2,mean)/2 ## calculate the mean of each column and divide by 2 to get the maf y.c = scan("Trait2.txt") ## read in the values for trait 1 rvs = which(maf<0.03) ## Set the threshold to be 0.03 obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(y.c ~ 1, out_type="C") ## calculates the NULL model, i.e. there are no variants SKAT(Z, obj)$p.value ## test for trait 2 with gene 2. Note that we are using the default settings and testing all variants. SKAT(Z[,rvs], obj)$p.value ## restrict attention to rare variants. The null model has not changed. ################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################## ### R Scripts: let's dichtomize trait 2 q1 = quantile(y.c,0.25) q3 = quantile(y.c,0.75) y.b = rep(NA, length(y.c)) y.b[which(y.c <= q1)] = 0 y.b[which(y.c >= q3)] = 1 omits = which(is.na(y.b)) y.b = y.b[-omits] Z.b = Z[-omits,] obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(y.b ~ 1, out_type="D") ## calculates the NULL model, i.e. there are no variants SKAT(Z.b, obj)$p.value ## test for trait 2 with gene 2. Note that we are using the default settings and testing all variants. SKAT(Z.b[,rvs], obj)$p.value ## restrict attention to rare variants. The null model has not changed. ################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################## ### R Scripts: read in PLINK example data and analyze the 10 genes there. ## define the file names and paths, note that the SSD and SSD.info don't exist yet File.Bed<-"./PlinkExample/Example1.bed" File.Bim<-"./PlinkExample/Example1.bim" File.Fam<-"./PlinkExample/Example1.fam" File.SetID<-"./PlinkExample/Example1.SetID" File.SSD<-"./PlinkExample/Example1.SSD" File.Info<-"./PlinkExample/Example1.SSD.info" ## To use binary ped files, you have to generate SSD file first. ## If you already have a SSD file, you do not need to call this Generate_SSD_SetID(File.Bed, File.Bim, File.Fam, File.SetID, File.SSD, File.Info) ## Now we can open the SSD files and also run SKAT FAM<-Read_Plink_FAM(File.Fam, Is.binary=FALSE) y<-FAM$Phenotype ## To use a SSD file, please open it first. ## After finishing using it, you must close it. SSD.INFO<-Open_SSD(File.SSD, File.Info) ## Number of samples SSD.INFO$nSample ## Number of Sets SSD.INFO$nSets obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(y ~ 1, out_type="C") out<-SKAT.SSD.All(SSD.INFO, obj) out