Instructions for Jigsaw Activity

Before class...

Read the articles in the folder for your subject area, chat with group members re:Part I, bring any necessary materials to class

Part I (9:30-10:00)

In your discipline-specific small groups:

  1. From the jigsaw readings in your subject area, select an idea that you would like to teach to your colleagues in other disciplines.

  2. Design a short lesson (around 8 minutes) to teach this idea, using one or more representations (see Wilson, et al regarding teaching representations).

Part II (10:10 - 11:00)

In your assigned cross-disciplinary groups (taking turns):

  1. Teach your lesson

  2. Debrief the lesson -- what did they learn?


Part III (11:00 - 11:10)

Back in your discipline-specific groups:

Debrief -- how did it go?


Part IV TBA (11:10 - 11:20)