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EDPSY 528: Achievement Motivation     Autumn 2004

Course readings available online via ereserves or online databases. Supplemental text: For a good basic text to use as a supplement to the readings, you can purchase Pintrich & Schunk's Motivation in Education from Merrill Prentice-Hall.

DATE     Readings & Assignments Due

10/5   Introduction to course.

10/12 Self-efficacy: Social Cognitive Theory. Pintrich & Schunk (2002) excerpt from Learning & Motivation, pp. 141-150, 161-176; Bandura & Schunk (1981) Cultivating competence; Schunk & Cox (1986) Strategy training and attributional feedback.

10/19  Attribution Theory. & Self-Efficacy (Social Cognitive) Theory.  Weiner (1984) Principles for a theory of student motivation and their application within an attributional framework; Nicholls & Miller (1984): Reasoning about the ability of self and others: A developmental study; Graham & Barker (1990) The Down Side of Help: An Attributional-Developmental Analysis of Helping Behavior as a Low-Ability Cue [find online in Psycharticles]. In class: Miller video.

10/26  Achievement Goal Theories: Excerpt from Nicholls (1989), Competitive ethos and democratic education, Chapters 6-9, footnotes and scales; Nolen & Haladyna (1990) Personal and environmental influences on students' beliefs about effective study strategies; Nicholls & Hazzard (1993) Education as adventure: Lessons from the second grade, pp.27-52.. STP #1 due: covers readings through 10/19 .

11/2    "Revised" goal theories: A. Elliot & Harackiewicz (1996) Approach and avoidance achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: A mediational analysis; Midgley, Kaplan, & Middleton (2001). Performance-approach goals: Good for what, for whom, under what circumstances, and at what cost? Optional: Harackiewicz, et al (2002) Revision of achievement goal theory: Necessary and illuminating; and Kaplan & Middleton (2002) Should childhood be a journey or a race? Response to Harackiewicz, et al. Project prospectus due. Decide on topics.

11/9  Cognitive Evaluation Theory. Deci & Ryan (2000) Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being; Vansteenkiste, et al. (2004) Motivating learning, performance, and persistence: The synergistic effects of intrinsic goal contents and autonomy-supportive contexts; Turner, Cox, et al. (1998): Creating contexts for involvement in mathematics. STP #2 due: readings 10/26-11/2.

11/16  Intrinsic motivation and Interest. Sansone & Morgan (1992) Intrinsic motivation and education;OTHER READINGS TBA; Project rough draft due.

11/23  Topics I STP #3 due: readings 11/9-11/16

11/30    Topics II

12/7  Informal project sharing: please bring an abstract and your reference list to share, and email Susan an electronic copy of same to post on the website. Projects due.

No Final Exam


Possible Topics:

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