Formative Influences from the Soviet Period




From top down; of all aspects of the ed system

Curriculum & materials

Structure and function of schools

Teacher ed



Of research and development efforts

Planning and budgeting

Change and "reform" programs

Uniformity of curricula, teaching approaches, etc.

An issue for large minority populations


Quality vs. mediocrity:

Special schools, big universities, advanced curricula – some of best in world

Rural schools, average kids, voc-tech tracks – some of worst in the world

Special efforts to work with retarded (but no integration)



As a major component of all social sciences, arts (to some extent sciences)

Conformity as required for movement up the system

Increasing resistance as time went on – plaintive tone by mid-80s


Elements of chaos:

Non-meritocratic system (esp. in later Soviet years) – access as a "consumer benefit"

Differing controls for regular, specialized schools

Sense of de-humanizing aspects coming to dominate in 1970s-1980s



Many of these aspects continue, in some form

The "look and feel" of many schools remains similar to what was present in 60s-80s