University of Washington – College of Education

EDC&I 505  Seminar in Curriculum & Instruction – EDC&I Masters Orientation

Autumn Quarter, 2011

Mondays, 4:30-6:50 pm   112 Miller Hall

On these dates only:  Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5


This one-credit course provides an introduction to the masters program for entering EDC&I students.  We will meet only three times during the quarter.  The topics we will consider and the assignments are included in the grid below.






October 3, 2011

Working with Your Advisor

   Planning a successful relationship

   What your advisor can approve (and not)


   Program, College, UW Graduate School

Planning Your Program

   Courses, independent study, final project/thesis/exam




November 7, 2011

Planning a Course of Study

   What’s offered, and when (and how to find out)

How much flexibility do you have?


   Incompletes, CR/NC courses, per-course credit limits


   How will this support your current work?  Lead to a new position or responsibility?  Get you ready for a PhD or EdD?

Develop a Draft Course of Study Form

   Include brief (2 pp maximum) comments on how the courses (a) address your own interests; (b) meet the requirements; (c) leads towards a project/thesis

Discuss in Class

(After Class) Meet with your advisor and discuss

Revise and submit

December 5, 2011

Preparing a Project/Thesis

What’s permissible?

   Types of projects; thesis as “little dissertation”

Planning and developing project ideas

Final steps

   Colloquium presentation (and earlier attendance); project/thesis “exam” (presentation)

Possible Ideas for Project, Thesis

   Brief description of 1-3 possibilities (3 pp. maximum)

   Options that would be interesting (and professionally useful) to you

   Think experimentally!  This is something you can change or completely abandon as you move forward!

   Bring to class


There is also a course web site at:

Links to optional readings and other useful materials/resources will be posted there.  My office hours will generally be on Weds. afternoons and Thursday mornings, with some variability due to administrative responsibilities.  Please send me an email to request a time.


Steve Kerr

122 Miller Hall  206 685 7562

Course web site: