Thursday, October 10

Nineteenth-century Approaches and the Initial Demise of General Evolution

The First Anthropologists:
Lewis Henry Morgan, Ancient Society, Part I: "Growth of Intelligence Through Inventions and Discoveries"
J.J. Bachofen, Mother-Right, Introduction
Edward B. Tylor, Researches into the Early History of Mankind, "Growth and Decline of Culture"
Herbert Spencer, On Social Evolution: Selected Writings, "Evolution in General"

Their Critics, the Second Anthropologists:
Franz Boas, The Mind of Primitive Man: "The Mind of Primitive Man and the Progress of Culture"
Bronislaw Malinowski, A Scientific Theory of Culture, "Concepts and Methods of Anthropology"

Post your thoughts on the question: was the cultural evolutionism of the 19th century anything more than just a justification of European imperialism? Defend your opinion one way or the other.

In class:
1st hour: Discussion of the debate on imperialism
2nd hour: Lecture on the fundamental principles of Marx's conception of history.

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