Wednesday, May 25

(Click for: Tuesday, Thursday schedule of talks, or posters.)

8:00Continental Breakfast
8:30Paul Cutler, NSFAn update from NSF Polar Programs
8:50Kathy Kasic, California State University, SacramentoImages of Polar Science in Motion
9:10Austin Carter and Aaron Chesler, University of MaineNew Polar Earth & Planetary Sciences Proving Ground & Training Program on the Juneau Icefield
9:30Curt Labombard, USGSThe National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility: Your Community Resource
9:50Coffee Break
10:20Jay JohnsonUpdates on IDP projects
10:40Ed Brook, Oregon State UniversityCenter for Oldest Ice Exploration (CODLEX) and opportunities for community involvement
11:00TJ Fudge, University of WashingtonRole of ICWG, IDP, white papers, and future projects
11:15Eric Steig, University of WashingtonThe NSF-OPP-DEI report, and the path forward on ice-core-community building
11:30Panel Discussion
1:30Mackenzie Grieman, Reed CollegeThe WACSWAIN Project: An ice core record from Skytrain Ice Rise, Antarctica
1:50Marie Bergelin, University of North Dakota Cosmogenic nuclide dating of buried ice reveals two stacked ice masses dated to Early and Late Pliocene Epoch; Ong Valley, Antarctica
2:10Jaakko Putkonen, University of North DakotaFinding Buried Ice Masses; Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
2:30Shuai Yan, University of Texas Institute of GeophysicsGeologic controls on subglacial thermal conditions and old ice preservation – insights from East Antarctic airborne geophysical surveying
2:50Coffee Break
3:20John Higgins, Princeton UniversityHunt for Earth's oldest ice - an update from the Allan Hills
3:40Weisen Shen, Stony Brook UniversityModeling the geothermal heat flux near the southern Transantarctic Mountains: a comprehensive approach
4:00Julia Andreasen, University of Minnesota, Twin CitiesImproved understanding of decadal surface mass balance, recent climate variability, and future ice core sites along coastal West Antarctica using NASA Operation IceBridge airborne snow radar
4:20Panel Discussion
4:45Poster Viewing
6:00We have the premises until 6:00