Tuesday, May 24

(Click for: Wednesday, Thursday schedule of talks, or posters.)

8:00Continental Breakfast
8:30 Eric Steig, University of Washington Introduction, welcome and a brief Hercules Dome update
9:00Aaron Chesler, University of MaineNon-spherical microparticle shape in Antarctica during the last glacial period affects dust volume-related metrics
9:20 Peter Neff, University of Minnesota A preliminary record of changes in Southern Hemisphere atmospheric OH abundance from 14CO in glacial ice (Law Dome, Antarctica, 1870 AD to Present)
9:40 Laurence Yeung, Rice University Insights on tropospheric ozone-climate variability from clumped isotopes of oxygen in ice cores
10:00Coffee Break
10:30 Asmita Banerjee, Rice University A deglacial ice core record of clumped isotopes of oxygen: implications for enhanced biomass burning and its effects on the tropospheric ozone budget
10:50 Ursula Jongebloed, University of Washington Underestimated passive volcanic degassing implies overestimated aerosol forcing
11:10 Vasilii Petrenko, University of Rochester The potential of using in situ cosmogenic 14CO in ice cores at Dome C to examine the assumption of a constant galactic cosmic ray flux
11:30Panel Discussion
1:30 Alexander Michaud, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Persist or perish: How do microorganisms stuck in an ice sheet survive?
1:50 Merlin Mah, University of Minessota RELIC: New ice from any borehole
2:50IceCrew TalksShort talks form Early Career Researches on the State and the Future of ice coring science
3:50Poster Viewing
5:00Continue poster session, and dinner/banquet available until 8:00
8:00We have the premises until 8:00