The 80 minute sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays will
be used for lectures---sometimes included (ungraded) pretests to
give me an idea of your background knowledge.
The 80 minute sessions on Fridays will be a mix of lectures,
exam reviews, and discussion of qual questions.
An approximate syllabus is Chs. 3-5 of Sakurai, with additional
material added in places.
In a little more detail this is
Density matrices; mixed versus pure ensembles.
Rotations, and the groups SO(3) and SU(2).
Angular momentum in QM, including addition of angular momenta.
Tensor operators and the Wigner-Eckart theorem.
3-d Schrodinger equation and application to the hydrogen atom,
including Runge-Lenz vector.
Discrete symmeries: parity (recap from 517) and time-reversal.
Time-independent perturbation theory and applications to hydrogen-like
Time-dependent perturbation theory and applications including Fermi's Golden
Adiabatic approximation and Berry phases.
I will keep a log of what has been covered on the
daily coverage page,
which will also indicate any material not covered in lecture that
you should read.
This link also archives class notes (which I will endeavor to post
before each lecture), pretests, handouts
and solutions to the midterm and final.
Last year's daily log (to give you an idea of what we really covered) is