S. Marc Cohen
Professor Emeritus
Department of Philosophy
University of Washington

Current Research
Im currently working on Aristotles metaphysics, with several of
my projects are available on the World Wide Web. An annotated hierarchical
analysis of Metaphysics Book Kappa is now available as part
of Project Archelogos.
An article on Aristotle's metaphysics can be found
in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
An article on substances in Aristotle has just appeared in Blackwells
Companion to Aristotle (ed. G. Anagnostopoulos); one on alteration and persistence
in Aristotle in the Oxford Handbook of Aristotle (ed. C. Shields); another on the role of accidental compounds in Aristotle's
ontology is forthcoming in Reason and Analysis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Honor of David Keyt (ed. G. Anagnostopoulos and F. D. Miller, Jr.).
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