Philosophy 320
History of Ancient Philosophy

University of Washington

Search Engines


A truly remarkable tool for searching out philosophy resources on the Internet, Noesis continually searches the Net for material in all areas of philosophy and includes them in its database. The Ancient Philosophy Tree contains only a small subset of the entire Noesis database, and is organized into subcategories. It can be browsed (just click on “Ancient Philosophy Tree”) or searched (type in a word or phrase that you’d like to search for, and click the “Search” button). Click on “Set Filter” to select the kind or kinds of document you are looking for (articles, books, lecture notes, etc.)You may want to search all of Noesis instead of just the Ancient Philosophy Tree - if so, select the “Noesis” button before submitting your search.



An ancestor of Noesis, Hippias is limited to searches in Ancient Philosophy.  Type in a word or phrase that you’d like to search for on the Net, and click the “Search” button.

HIPPIAS Limited Area Search of Philosophy on the Internet


Argos Limited Area Search of the Ancient and Medieval Internet

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