WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
WxRange Member List

This is the complete list of members for WxRange, including all inherited members.

_lengthWxBox< int >protected
_lowerWxBox< int >protected
_ndimsWxBox< int >protected
_upperWxBox< int >protected
area() constWxBox< int >protected
boundsPair(unsigned dim) constWxBox< int >inlineprotected
compareShape(const WxRange &candidateRange) constWxRangeinline
WxBox< int >::compareShape(const WxBox< int > &candidateBox) constWxBox< int >protected
contains(const int coord[]) constWxBox< int >protected
coordinateString() constWxBox< int >protected
dump(WxIoBase &io, WxIoNodeType &grpNode) constWxObjectprotectedvirtual
encloses(const WxRange &candidateRange) constWxRangeinline
WxBox< int >::encloses(const WxBox< int > &candidateBox) constWxBox< int >protected
extDim(int low, int upp) constWxBox< int >protected
extend(const int low[], const int upp[]) constWxRangeinline
extend(const int uniformPad[]) constWxRangeinline
extend(int uniformPad) constWxRangeinline
extrude(const WxRange &range)WxRangeinline
WxBox< int >::extrude(const WxBox &box)WxBox< int >protected
getIo() constWxObjectprotected
getMsg() constWxObjectprotected
getShiftedRange(const std::vector< int > &newLowerCornerCoordinates) constWxRangeinline
intersect(const WxRange &otherRange) constWxRangeinline
WxBox< int >::intersect(const WxBox< int > &box) constWxBox< int >protected
isEmpty() constWxRangeinlinevirtual
length(unsigned dim) constWxRangeinlinevirtual
load(WxIoBase &io, const WxIoNodeType &grpNode)WxObjectprotectedvirtual
lower(unsigned dim) constWxBox< int >inlineprotected
lower(unsigned dim, int low)WxBox< int >inlineprotected
max_dimsWxBox< int >protectedstatic
name() constWxObjectprotectedvirtual
ndims() constWxBox< int >inlineprotected
operator!=(const WxRange &r) constWxRangeinline
operator=(const WxRange &b)WxRangeinline
WxBox< int >::operator=(const WxBox< int > &b)WxBox< int >protected
operator==(const WxRange &r) constWxRangeinline
WxBox< int >::operator==(const WxBox< int > &b) constWxBox< int >protected
reduceDim(unsigned int newDim) constWxBox< int >protected
resize(const unsigned dim, const int newLength)WxBox< int >protected
setIo(WxIoBase &io)WxObjectprotected
setMsg(WxMsgBase &msg)WxObjectprotected
setName(const std::string &nm)WxObjectprotected
setup(const WxCryptSet &wxc)WxBox< int >protectedvirtual
size() constWxRangeinline
upper(unsigned dim) constWxBox< int >inlineprotected
upper(unsigned dim, int upp)WxBox< int >inlineprotected
WxBox()WxBox< int >inlineprotected
WxBox(unsigned ndims)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(unsigned ndims, const int *lower, const int *upper)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(unsigned ndims, const int *length)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(int s1, int e1)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(int s1, int e1, int s2, int e2)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(int s1, int e1, int s2, int e2, int s3, int e3)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(int s1, int e1, int s2, int e2, int s3, int e3, int s4, int e4)WxBox< int >protected
WxBox(const WxBox< int > &b)WxBox< int >protected
WxObject(const std::string &name)WxObjectprotected
WxRange(unsigned ndims)WxRangeinline
WxRange(unsigned ndims, const int *lower, const int *upper)WxRangeinline
WxRange(const std::vector< int > &lower, const std::vector< int > &extent)WxRangeinline
WxRange(unsigned ndims, const int *length)WxRangeinline
WxRange(const WxBox< int > &templateBox)WxRangeinline
WxRange(const WxRange &b)WxRangeinline
~WxBox()WxBox< int >protectedvirtual