N.B:. you will not be able to enter student apartments until Tuesday, 2 April!
I Lvnae
Easter Monday÷This is a major holiday
in the urbs, and you should not plan on arriving in the city
on this day: everything will be closed. Everything. Did I mention
that nothing will be open?
II Martis
salvete omnes!
We suggest that you plan to arrive in Rome either on 2 April or significantly earlier (during the final week of March), as the Easter weekend will make travel to and accomodations in Rome very problematic. If you plan to arrive in Rome before 2 April, you should book accommodations immediately÷and remember that regardless of your arrival date, you will not be able to enter student apartments until Tuesday, 2 April!
Not even if you say 'please.' Not even if you say 'pretty please.'
That having been said, please advise me of your arrival day and time as soon as you know it and no later than 10 March 2002. I must have record of this information and I will be leaving for Rome at the end of March. You will have received information on basic transportation from the airport into the city (it is very simple and there are a variety of options), but check with me if you have questions or concerns.
Move into apartments:
If you arrive in Rome on 2 April: you should go straight from the airport to the UW Rome Center at the Palazzo Pio 95 (the bulk of the Palazzo overlooks the large and lively Campo dei Fiori, but you will find the entrance to the Palazzo off the small Piazza del Biscione÷ours is the green portone {'large door'} next to the butcher's shop); a member of the UWRC staff will meet you there with apartment information, directions and keys. I will probably not be on hand for your arrival÷just head up to the UWRC office and introduce yourself; the staff will get you situated.
If you arrived in Rome before 2 April: you can head over to the UWRC / Pio in the morning for keys and directions to your apartments.
Optional dinner meeting:
Either apud me or apud a local pizzeria,
for any and all hungry, weary, or otherwise disoriented travellers.
Nothing fancy, and certainly not required, but all interested parties should
gather at the Pio Portone at 7:00 p.m.; we shall go from there.
III Mercvrii
Palazzo Pio and seminar orientations in the morning (time tba):
note that these orientations are absolutely mandatory.
12:30 Group Lunch, followed by introductory walk around the city, ending
with a trip to the best gelatteria in all of Rome.
IV Iovis
11:00-12:30 Mark and Sonia meet (Latin and Greek) classes in the Pio
4:00-5:30 Latin 565 (Spectacle) Seminar meets for our first class in
the Pio
V Veneris
Roman Forum visit (Claridge p. 60 sqq.: tabularium,
capitolinus, rostra,
t. Concordiae [here's
a reconstruction!], t.
Saturni, umbilicus urbis, curia,
Severi, lapis niger [here's a view of the inscription
beneath the lapis], b. Iulia, b. Paulii, etc.--I've included some image
links here, but you can explore your own via the Web Site 'VRoma')
Alternatively, can brouse the Rome Forum buildings via this web link.
N. B. (1): For all morning walking tours, we will depart from the Pio Portone no later 8:40. Be there or suffer my wrath.
N. B. (2): On these tours, you must always bring Claridge [Oxford Archaeological Guides: Rome] as well as a notebook and pen or pencil. Good walking shoes and comfortable clothes are an absolute necessity for these visits; you might also find it handy to bring the following: a small cloth tape measure, a mini Maglite, sunscreen, a refillable bottle of water, and a snack if you are liable to get peckish.
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio seminar room
Evening: MMII Rome Program Reception for all
UW students and faculty (from all departments) at the Pio this Spring÷Cenabimus
VIII Lvnae
Forum (Claridge 60 sqq.: c. Phoci,
l. Curtii, t. Castoris, a. Augusti, t. divi Iulii, regia, ae. Vestae, atrium
Vestae, arcus Titi, t. 'divi Romuli', t. divi Antonini et divae Faustinae,
archaic burials, etc.) and Palatine (Claridge 119
sqq.: Imperial complex, lupercal, baths, t. magnae matris, Iron
Age huts, etc.) visit
Student Site Report (SR): Arcus Titi, Arcus Everi
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
IX Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
X Mercvrii
Capitoline and Capitoline Museums (Claridge 229
sqq.), Crypta Balbi (Claridge 220-222)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XI Iovis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XII Veneris
Day Trip: Ostia Antica! (Blue guide 439 sqq.)
N.B. We will often return from our day trips
in the late afternoon, after the Campo dei Fiori Market has closed.
Remember to do your food shopping the day before!
XIV Solis
Optional walking tour: Porta Portese Flea Market
in Trastevere. Bring your wallet and keep and eye on it.
XV Lvnae
Colosseum, Ludus Maximus visit (Claridge 266
sqq.), Mithraeum beneath the Church of San Clemente.
SR: Colosseum
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XVI Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XVII Mercvrii
Forum Boarium, Forum Holitorium visit (including archaic and Republican
temples, templum Portuni, 'round temple', Ara Maxima, arcus Iani, theatrum
Marcelli, etc.: Claridge 242 sqq.)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XIX Veneris
Overnight Trip: drive down from Rome to Pompeii in the morning, spend
the day at Pompeii (bring good walking shoes!)
Stay the night in Paestum!
XX Satvrni
Overnight Trip, continued: Paestum, the Paestum museum, then up to
Check out these images of the temples at Paestum: [image
1: Temple of Hera I], [image
2: Temple of Hera II]
Stay the night in Sorrento!
XXI Solis
Visit the Muzeo Nazionale in Naples in the morning, then on to Sperlonga
for lunch and a swim (if you want) and then return to Rome in the late
XXII Lvnae
Campus Martius visit, Part the First, including a visit to the Largo
Argentina buildings (Claridge 174 sqq.)
SR: Pantheon, Baths of Nero
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XXIII Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XXIV Mercvrii
Campus Martius visit, Part the Second, including the Ara Pacis and
the Mausoleum Augusti (Claridge 174 sqq.)
SR: Ara Pacis (including the res gestae Augusti), Mausoleum Augusti
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XXV Iovis
Romeâs birthday! Help her celebrate,
but don't do anything I wouldn't do. This gives you some leeway.
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XXVI Veneris
Day Trip: Palestrina (Praeneste; t. Fortunae Primigeniae) and the Alban
Hills (Frascati, etc.)
XXVII Satvrni
Optional Walking Tour: Tiber flood inscriptions.
Come and join the fun as we hunt down inscriptions marking the flood levels
of the Tiber over the centuries! (I am fairly confident that this will
be more interesting than it sounds. But I've been wrong before.)
N. B.: Vatican Museums are free on the last Sunday of the Month÷get
there early!
XXIX Lvnae
Aventine and Circus Maximus visit (Claridge 242
SR: Circus Maximus
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XXX Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
I Mercvrii
Morning: Topography Midterm. Show me your stuff. Topographically speaking, that is.
Afternoon: No classes; keep an eye out for
parades and special events around the city.
II Iovis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
III Veneris: Beginning of "Long Weekend"
Imperial Fora (f. Caesaris, f. Traiani, f. Augusti, f. Nervae, t. Pacis)
and Trajanâs Markets visit (Claridge 146 sqq.)
SR: Forum Augusti, Forum Traiani
2:00-3:00 Lat 465 in the Pio
N. B.: the Topography Seminar meets one hour
early today, and is shortened, to allow for a late afternoon departure
for those who wish to take a trip over the long weekend (Florence and Sienna
are good choices). Please note that although this class has been
shortened, you must attend!
IV Satvrni
Optional Walking Tour: Villa, Galleria Borgese (Blue
Guide 233-239)
N. B.: the entrance fee to the Galleria Borgese
is not included in your program costs. We must reserve tickets in
advance, so if you would like to join us, please let me know by Wednesday,
1 May.
VI Lvnae
N. B. If you left the urbs for the long
weekend, you must have returned no later than Monday evening.
This is your responsibility.
VII Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
VIII Mercvrii
Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Santâ Angelo), Museo Barracco visit
(Claridge 369 sqq.; Blue
Guide 198 sqq.)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
IX Iovis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
X Veneris
Day Trip: Hadrianâs Villa and Tivoli (Blue
Guide 454 sqq.)
SR: structure at Hadrianâs Villa
(arrange with me in advance)
XIII Lvnae
Esquiline Hill, Domus Aurea Neronis (Claridge
266 sqq.)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XIV Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XV Mercvrii
Museo nazionale di Villa Giulia (Etruscan Musem; Claridge
394 sqq.)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XVI Iovis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XVII Veneris
Day Trip: Etruscan sites to the north of the urbs (Cerveteri, Tarquinia,
Veii): these are very, very cool. Plan to pack a picnic lunch.
XX Lvnae
Baths of Caracalla, Caelian Hill (Claridge 305
SR: Baths of Caracalla
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
XXI Martis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XXII Mercvrii
Quirinal and Viminal Hills, Baths of Diocletian (Claridge 350-354)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XXIV Veneris
Day Trip: Christian (S. Callisto and S. Sebastiano) and Jewish Catacombs
and Roman tombs on the Via Appia Antica (Claridge
408 sqq.; 335 sqq.)
N. B.: Appropriate Dress Required for visiting
all catacombs.
XXV Satvrni
Optional Day Trip to Sperlonga:
visit the archaeological site and the museum, eat lunch, go for a swim÷Sperlonga
is close enough to Rome to make this an easy overnight trip, and I will
probably be staying there myself.
N. B.: the trip to Sperlonga (either for the
day or overnight) is NOT included in your program costs; I will be happy
to make hotel reservations and travel arrangements for those interested,
but you will be responsible for ALL transportation, entrance, food, and
accommodation fees.
Vatican and Vatican Nekropolis visit÷cool!
N. B.: Appropriate Dress Required for the Vatican and the Vatican Nekropolis.
No afternoon class; this will be a long day.
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XXIX Mercvrii
EUR (Esposizione Universale di Roma) visit, including il
plastico in the very groovy Museo della Civilta Romana (cf.
Claridge 378 sqq.).
Ever wonder where they filmed that freaky movie, Titus? Here it is, a marvel of fascist architecture!
No afternoon class
XXX Iovis
11:00-12:30 Language classes meet
4:00-5:30 Spectacle Seminar
XXXI Veneris
Palazzo Massimo alle Terme visit (Important Roman painting,
mosaics, and sculpture)
3:00-4:30 Lat 465 in the Pio
I Satvrni
Optional Walking Tour: Trek Around the Walls of Rome, Walls Museum,
finish with lunch (my treat).
III Lvnae
IV Martis
afternoon free
V Mercvrii
afternoon free
VI Iovis
no classes; free day
evening: Valedictory Cena at a local
restaurant (my treat)
VII Veneris
Apartments must be cleaned and vacated by
the end of the day, no exceptions÷valete omnes!