Important Dates for the Spring Quarter, 2003

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Exciting Highlights in Your Advanced Education
Please be sure to check out everybody's favorite page-turner, the
University of Washington Academic Calendar!
March 31 Instruction Begins, yee-hah!
April 21 Midterm Exam I: M.T.C. Oratio Prima, the whole latinate shebang.
May 12 Midterm Exam II: M.T.C. Oratio Secunda, the whole Roman enchilada.
May 21 Paper précis due!  1-2 pages for the undergraduates; 2-3 pages for the graduates
May 26 Memorial Day: don't forget to read your Latin
May 28 Stylistic Commentary is due in class
June 04 Last Day of ClassóPaper project is due!  8-10 pages for the undergraduates; 13-16 pages for the graduates
June 6 Last Day of Instruction, in case you're counting
June 10 Final Exam for this courseó2:30-4:20 (or thereabouts!): C.S.C. Bellum Catilinae, in all of its historiographical glory