Week VI:
February 9th and 11th
The Subjectivity of Famine in North Korea
Tuesday, February 9th
Social Cohesion and What Can be Named
Thursday, February 11th
Life and Disillusion
- Fahy, Chaps 1-6, Conclusion
Graduate Readings:
- Andrei Lankov, In-ok Kwak, and Choong-Bin Cho, "The Organizational Life: Daily Surveillance and Daily Resistance in North Korea," Journal of East Asian Studies 12 (2012) pp193-214
- Cheehyung Kim, "Total, Thus Broken: Chuch'e Sasang and North Korea's Terrain of Subjectivity," Journal of Korean Studies Vol. 17, No 1 pp69-96.
Study Questions:
- How did limits on what people knew and could say affect how individuals adapted, or didn't adapt, to the famine?
- What were the breaking points that led Fahy's informants to leave North Korea? Does this mean they were disillustioned with the system, or were they just pragmatically surviving?