3.Traditional Korean Family (10/6) 4. Rural Development and the New Village Movement (10/11) 5. Migration and Social Change (10/13) 6. Political and Economic Development (10/18) 7. Gender and Social Movements (10/20) 8. Igniting the Internet (10/25) 11.Middle Classes Old and New ((11/1) 12.Creation of the South Korean Middle Class (11/3) 13.Education and Middle Class Anxiety (11/8) 14.Gender and Class in Contemporary Korea (11/10) 15.The Etablishment of the DPRK 16. The North Korean Famine (11/17) 17.Being in North Korea (11/22) 18.Filipinos Come to Korea (11/29) 19. Everyday Politics of Immigration (12/1) 20. Workers, Working Girls and Wives (12/6) 21. Multicultural Korea? (12/8)
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