E-Commerce Management: Text and Cases; Sandeep Krishnamurthy

Publication Date:  July 09, 2002;  ISBN- 0-324-15252-3


            What People Are Saying About the Book                                                                                  


            Prof. Krishnamurthy,


I thought I would send you a note of feedback on the NTT DoCoMo Case.  If you recall, you sent the teaching notes to me about three week ago.  Well, my students were delighted with the case assignment!  It is rare, especially at this point in the semester, when students voluntarily offer their great feedback on such a case assignment.  They thought, as I did, that is was informative, challenging, yet easy to read!! 


I'm in the middle of reviewing your entire textbook which, so far, I'm finding very compatible with my current syllabus:  your text devotes several chapters to Internet basics and business models, before addressing e-marketing. 


I also like the fact that you have dedicated full chapters to e-society, public policy and online community as these are areas in which I have research and teaching interests.  In many other texts, these areas given scant attention and are poorly integrated other content.


            Connie Porter

            Department of Marketing

            Georgia State University

            (Source: E-mail dated December 2, 2002)

            [VERY DETAILED REVIEW of krishnamurthy.swcollege.com BY Merlot.org- Source- E-mail from Cathy Owens Shift]


            Dear Dr. Krishnamurthy:


Your learning module, "E-Commerce Cases" was recently reviewed by the Business Discipline Review Board of MERLOT, the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.  The MERLOT project is an international initiative enabling faculty to integrate technology into higher education. 


MERLOT is supported by 23 systems and institutions of higher education as well as the National Science Foundation.  MERLOT is also endorsed by National Learning Infrastructure Initiative of EDUCAUSE. Over 160 faculty from these institutions have been performing the peer review of instructional technology, modeled after the peer review processes for research and scholarship. 


The peer review report written by the MERLOT Business Editorial Board will be published on the MERLOT website (www.merlot.org).  The review is presented below.


If you are satisfied with the review, the report will be posted on the MERLOT website along with a pointer to your material.  You have the option of not having the review posted.  At your request, letters will be sent to you and two others (for example, dean and department chair) you designate acknowledging the quality of your work.  Please advise us by January 22nd if you do not want the review published.



Cathy Owens Swift

MERLOT Editor - Business


Rating Overall - 4 (highest rating possible = 5)



Description -


Overview: This site provides three case studies under the Student Resources section.  The 3 cases provide detailed and current information on Amazon, Ebay and NTT’s I-Mode Wireless Web Phone.  Each case study incorporates tables, graphs, and figures of financials, business models and other illustrative data in support of the information provided.  In addition, a hyperlinked full endnote reference page provides sources for the data, and additional resources for students. The entire site is designed to provide online support for an Ecommerce Management Textbook, including text-specific resources and activities, as well as additional general news and business source links.


Learning Goal(s): This site provides very detailed and up-to-date case studies of three ebusinesses that would supplement many courses and class applications.  However, there are no specific learning goals on the site.  These must be provided by the instructor at time of assignment.


Target Student Population(s): Upper-level College or Graduate students.  Any one or all of these cases could be used to supplement in-class lecture and discussion for many courses including  marketing, management, ecommerce or ebusiness.  The cassescould also be used in

            a graduate business course as supplementary material for case study


Prerequisite Knowledge or Skills: These cases would be appropriate for either junior or senior level undergraduates, or graduate students.  The cases are in PDF format, so Adobe Acrobat is required, and the site provides a link to download if students don't currently have the software.


            Type of Material: This module is classified as a collection of material (cases, executive summaries, and e-tasks).


Recommended Use(s): This material can be used in a wide variety of settings such as in-class exercises, homework, written case analyses, oral case analyses, class discussion, and individual/group activities.


Technical Requirement(s): The technical requirements needed are 1.  Adobe Acrobat and 2.  a basic browser such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or Opera.  As an optional technical requirement, students need the capability to listen to .wav files if they wish to hear the author, Sandeep Krishnamurthy, present an audio introduction of the website (and text) in his own words.


Evaulation and Observation (highest rating possible = 5) -


            Category: Content Quality


            Rating: 4


Strength(s): The Amazon and Ebay cases are ones that students will easily recognize, and therefore can relate to directly.  The NTT I-Mode will probably not be so familiar to the students, but is also very applicable.  All three are very current and relevant to many topics in multiple courses.


One outstanding feature of this module is the clarity of presentation.  The content is well-organized and demonstrates many applications of e-commerce concepts. 


Another strength is the variety of activities that could be used in several situations.  The online executive summaries can be used to introduce topics

prior to lecture. They can also be used as required short readings.  Case analyses can be incorporated after a larger unit on several e-commerce topics.  The e-tasks can be assigned in small segments in-class as activities or out-of-class as homework assignments throughout a semester long course.


Concern(s): - Because each e-task is dependent on an associated websites, which are subject to changing at any given time, instructors are advised to check each website prior to giving e-tasks as assignments.


- The Amazon and Ebay cases include discussion questions at the conclusion, however the NTT case does not.  The NTT case is double-spaced in its format, and thus prints out at 41 pages, but really doesn’t need to.  All three are fairly lengthy, and figures, tables are placed at the end of the documents, so students will probably find it easier to print the cases and read from paper copy.



            Category: Potential Effectiveness as a Teaching Tool


            Rating: 4


Strength(s): A major strength of this module, in terms of potential effectiveness as a teaching tool, is the level of detail provided within the case studies.  Each case delves into various e-commerce issues that transcend beyond one business discipline.  The e-tasks are extremely efficient exercises that help students apply e-commerce concepts to real business situations.  They promote a higher level of involvement with the subject matter.


Concern(s): The instructor must identify specific learning objectives at the time the assignment is made.  Thus the professor must identify how or why this assignment/resource integrates with the class discussion/topics.


Some of the cases are quite lengthy (e.g., the Amazon case is 45 pages) so the instructor may need several class periods to dissect the entire case.



            Category: Ease of Use for Both Students and Faculty

            Rating: 5


Strength(s): There are many applications for these cases in various classes.  In addition, other areas of this site provide links to National and International news sites, links to company information sources, and job postings available online.  The site is quite easy to navigate and is visually appealing.


Concern(s): The URL to link to this site is the link to the textbook site itself.  Since the publisher’s site uses frames, it’s impossible to connect to the resources that are available openly any other way.  Additionally, the endnote sources are hyperlinked in the PDF files, and this makes it rather difficult to read online or from the computer.  The figures, tables, and graphs are placed at the end of the documents, and this discourages many students from actually referring to them while reading, especially if reading from the computer.  Although the executive summaries and "e-tasks" are organized according to Sandeep Krishnamurthy's table of contents, this should not be a problem for the case studies.



Other Issues and Comments: The title of this module "Ecommerce Cases" does not fully reflect the amount of material within the module.  In addition to three online cases, this module also includes chapter executive summaries and "e-tasks."



Comments To Author: Please consider incorporating the tables/charts within the text, instead of placing them in an appendix. Aside from that, great website overall and I loved the material!


Criteria used for the review can be viewed at-  http://www2.gasou.edu/cgb/MERLOT.htm.