Contemporary Research in E-Marketing, Volume 1

Sandeep Krishnamurthy



Social Oracles As Advertising Tools In Programmable Businesses

Nick V. Flor,  University Of New Mexico


Economic Issues In Advertising Via Email: A Role For A Trusted Third Party?

Arvind Tripathi, University Of Washington

Ram Gopal, University Of Connecticut

Zhiping Walter, University of Colorado, Denver


Web Personalization For E-Marketing Intelligence

Penelope MARKELLOU, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Greece

Maria RIGOU, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Greece

Spiros SIRMAKESSIS, Technological Educational Institution of Messolongi,

Department of Applied Informatics in Administration and Economics.


Knowledge Gathering/Knowledge Sharing: The Business/Consumer Culture Dichotomy

Rachel Mclean, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, Uk

Nigel M. Blackie, University Of Salford, Uk


MSQ-model- An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Mobile Service Quality

Veronica Liljander, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration (Hanken), Helsinki, Finland

Jan Nordman, Accountant, EMEA Finance, Lexmark International, Technology SA, Geneva, Switzerland


Experiencing Quality:  The Impact of Practice on Customers’ Preferences for and Perceptions of Electronic Interfaces

Kyle B. Murray, University of Western Ontario


The Impact of EBay Ratings and Item Descriptions on Auction Prices: A Comparison of Designer Watches and DVDs

Mark P. Sena, Department Of Information Systems, Xavier University

C. Edward Heath, Department Of Marketing, Northern Kentucky University

Michael A. Webb, Department Of Economics, Xavier University


Viral Experiences: Do You Trust Your Friends?

Shenja Van Der Graaf, Department Of Communication And Information Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Public Opinions Of Online Privacy: Definitions, Assessment And Implications For Industry And Public Policy

Kim Sheehan, University Of Oregon


Online Privacy: Consumer Concerns And Technological Competence

Pushkala Raman, Florida State University

Kartik Pashupati, Southern Methodist University


Using Server Log Files and Online Experiments to Enhance Internet Marketing

Charles F. Hofacker, Department of Marketing, Florida State University

Jamie Murphy, School of Business, University of Western Australia


CRM, KDD and Relationship Marketing:  Requisite Trio For Sustainable E-Marketing

Nikhilesh Dholakia, University Of Rhode Island

Jounghae Bang, University Of Rhode Island

Ruby Dholakia, University of Rhode Island


An Interactive Marketing Communication Model In New Product Diffusion

Fiona Sussan, Department Of Marketing, Baruch University


A Rhetorical-Prototype Mechanism For Creating E-Marketing Materials

For International Consumers

Kirk St.Amant, James Madison University


How Innovativeness Influences Internet Shopping

Ronald E. Goldsmith, Florida State University

Barbara A. Lafferty, University Of South Florida