UW Dial IP for Windows Version History -------------------------------------- 6/12/95 1.00 9/27/95 1.01 11/13/95 1.02 Change Log ---------- ------------ Version 1.00 ------------ Summary: First release version. ------------ Version 1.01 ------------ Summary: First maintenance release. Upgrade advantageous but not necessary. Code and behavior changes: - Using Trumpet Winsock 2.1f instead of 2.0b - Installer detects Win 95, will not install Trumpet Winsock or UW Dialer if running under 95. Trumpet is a 16 bit stack and would cause incompatibility with 32 bit networking apps. - Allows for utilities only install. If Trumpet and Dialer are not selected, installer will not search for a modem or write configuration files. - Installs in Windows directory to eliminate conflict with other networking packages. - Login script rewritten. Faster redial behavior on busy/error. - Better behavior when connection is not made. Fewer GPFs from network apps due to no connection. This is related to the next item. - Quit from UW Dialer now quits Trumpet. If a Winsock app is waiting for connection, it will fail, but subsequent Winsock requests should now restart the Dialer. Bug Fixes: - Long distance number now includes a 1. - Fixed error saving account information from menu. Version 1.02 ------------ Summary: - Added expanded pool access to UW Dialer.