Syllabus contents: Assignments and Grading
Policy Class Schedule and
Required Readings: Week 2: Substance & Attributes Week 3: Modes and Necessity Week 4: Mind & Body Week 5: Theory of Knowledge Week 6: Conatus and the Affects Week 7: Bondage & Sociability Week 8: Political Life & the "Free Man" Week 9: Mastering the Affects Week 10: The Highest Good Week 11: Paper Conference |
PHIL 522, Spring Quarter
2012 |
Syllabus Instructor:
Prof. Michael Rosenthal
this course
students will study the development and structure of Spinoza's
system. We will begin with selections
from Spinoza's early works, which include a treatise on philosophical
method, a
summary and analysis of the Cartesian system, and a critique of
religion. We
will spend most of our time on a careful reading of the Ethics,
which presents
Spinoza's mature views on metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, and
ethical life. We will analyze his
arguments in detail, compare them to those of his contemporaries (e.g.,
Descartes, Hobbes, Leibniz), and discuss the influence and relevance of
Spinoza's work to contemporary philosophical projects. I
envision the format of the course as follows. It
will meet once a week as a seminar. Except
for the first class, in which I will give an
lecture, the subsequent sessions will be a combination of lecture and
discussion, focused on a brief student presentation.
In each class, my own talk will aim to give
some background information—for example, trying to show what debates
might have been involved in—and to underline the themes I hope the
will discuss. Each student presentation
will be based on a short, written paper that will be due a few days
class and which all students will have been expected to read ahead of
time. The central text of the course
will of course be the Ethics, but I
will also insist that we read other contemporary texts that (either
or probably) influenced Spinoza, as well as important secondary sources
produced by outstanding modern scholars. (Although
much important work has been done by European
scholars, I will
assign only English-language texts in this course, with other texts,
those in French, only recommended for those who have the language
skills.) Assignments
and Grading Policy A
total of 400 points are possible in this class. The
weekly essays and comment are worth 125 points and all
components of the final essay are worth 275 points.
A grading scale will be distributed in class
as a guideline. Final grades will be
determined on the basis of this scale and adjustment in terms of
overall class
performance. Please
note that late papers will not be
accepted for credit. The paper will be
graded either unsatisfactory (5 points), satisfactory (8 points), or
good (10
points). There will be nine occasions to
turn in an essay. You will be given 10
points for just showing up the first week. A
total of 100 points will be possible for this assignment. b)
Each week one paper will be the topic of discussion.
Each student in the class will choose one
week in the quarter in which he or she will be responsible for a longer
(about 5-6 pages) that will be the basis of class discussion. The student will be expected to summarize
some relevant debate in the secondary literature and evaluate the
debate. This paper will be circulated to
the other
students before class and all class members will be responsible for
it. One
student ("the discussant") each week will be assigned the task of
critiquing the assigned paper. The
discussant will be responsible for analyzing the philosophical content
of the
essay (i.e., the interpretation of the relevant passages, argument,
etc.). The discussant will summarize his
or her comments in writing (about one page in length) and at the end of
will give a copy to both the author of the essay and the professor. All other students are also expected to have
read the chosen essay and be ready to discuss it in depth.
Completion of this task is worth a maximum of
15 points.
Topic Statement with Annotated
Bibliography. Due Monday, May 14th.
(Week 8). You must turn
in a brief statement of the projected topic of the paper that states: i) the problem you propose to discuss; ii)
your tentative thesis; and iii) a brief sketch of the argument you will
make. In addition, I expect an annotated
bibliography that cites at least three sources (books, articles, etc.)
with a
brief presentation of how the author in each case addresses your
proposed topic
(i.e., brief outline of the argument, interpretation, etc.). Completion of this assignment is worth a
maximum of 25 points. b)
Outline. Due
Monday, May 21st (Week 9). You must turn
in a complete outline
of your paper. It is to include: i) a full presentation of your topic
(including problem and thesis); ii) a detailed, point by point,
presentation of
your argument (including references to the specific primary and
secondary texts
that support your points); iii) possible objections to your argument;
iv) your
response to the objections; and v) conclusion. Completion
of this assignment is worth a maximum of 25
points. c)
Preliminary Draft and Abstract.
Due Tuesday, May 29th (Week 10).
This should be a complete draft of
your essay. Please hand in two
copies. At the same time, you must also
turn in an abstract of your essay (one page or less
in length). This should be a summary of
your thesis, argument, and conclusion. Make
enough copies of your abstract to distribute one to
each of your
fellow students and one to me. Completion
of this assignment is worth a maximum of 100
points. d) Comments. Due Monday, June 4th (Week 11) You will be given the preliminary draft one of your fellow student's essays upon which you will expected to comment in depth. I expect comments on both the style and the content of the essay. These are to be both critical and constructive comments: How can the essay be improved? You are to write up your comments, which should be no more than two pages and no less than one page in length (double-spaced). Make two copies of your comments; at the end of the paper conference (see below) give one of them to me and the other to the author. Completion of this assignment is worth a maximum of 35 points. e)
Paper Conference. Wednesday,
June 6th, f)
Final Draft. Due
Thursday, June 7th, at For
each day that you are late in completing any
one of the requirements of the final essay, your grade will
automatically be
reduced by 10 points.
In order to pass this course students are required to:
a) have enough total points (i.e., at least
212 points); and also b) receive passing grades in both
components of the course, i.e., at least 67 points in the weekly
assignments (including comments), and at least 146 points total from
various components of the final essay. If
you have enough total points to pass but do not receive
pass both the
weekly assignments and the final essay you will fail the course. Absolutely no exceptions will be made to this
policy. The
following primary texts are required and is available for purchase at
the UW Bookstore: -Spinoza,
Baruch.. A Spinoza Reader:
The Ethics
and Other Works.
Baruch. Theological-Political
Treatise. Trans. Samuel
Shirley. -Curley,
Edwin. Behind the Geometrical
Method: A -Della
Rocca, Michael. Spinoza. New York:
Class Schedule and Required Readings M 3/26
Life and Early
Work <>
Nadler, Life; Yovel, vol. 1, chapters
1-3. <>>
Critique of Scripture><> Primary: SR, 6-48, TTP, Preface, ch. 3-7. Secondary: Companion, chapters 8 and 9.
Recommended: Hobbes, Leviathan, ch. 12, and all of part III; Donagan, ch. 2; Gatens & Lloyd, ch. 1 (also 87-100); Strauss (1988), 142-202. M 4/2
Part I (Of God) -- Substance and Attributes Primary: SR, 85-100
definitions, axioms, E1p1-p20). Secondary: Companion, chapter 2. Curley (1988),
ch. 1. Della Rocca, ch. 1, ch. 2, sections 1-4. Recommended: SR,
Descartes, Principles, pt. I, articles 51-54 (CSM I, 210-11);
207-8, 213-14; Donagan, chs. 4-5. M 4/9
Ethics, Part I (Of God) -- Modes:
Infinite and Finite Primary: SR, 100-109
269-276 (correspondence with Tschirnhaus). Recommended:
Descartes, Principles,
I, 56-62 (CSM I, 211-14); Curley (1988), ch. 1; Della Rocca, ch. 2,
sections 4;
Donagan, ch. 6. Ethics, Part I (Of God) -- Necessity and Contingency Primary: SR, 100-114
E1appendix), 266-269 (correspondence with Tschirnhaus). Secondary: Companion,
2 (pages 74-76); Curley (1988), 48-50. Recommended: Leibniz,
60-64, 111-117; Curley (1969), ch. 3; Bennett, ch. 5; Della Rocca, ch.
sections 5-6; Garrett (1991); Gatens & Lloyd, ch. 1 (especially
28-33). M 4/16 Ethics, Part II (Of the Mind) -- The
Mind-Body Primary: SR, 115-128 (E2
definitions, axioms, E2p1-p15). Secondary:
Companion, chapters 3 and 4. Recommended: Descartes, Meditations,
VI (CSM II, 50-62); Curley (1988), ch. 2; Bennett, chs. 6-7; Della
Rocca, ch. 3, sections 1-4. M 4/16 [Savery
359] Ethics, Part II (Of the Mind) --
Theory of Knowledge
and Error Primary: SR, 128-152
(E2p16-p49). Secondary:
Companion, ch. 3 . Recommended: Descartes, Meditations
IV (CSM II, 37-43); Hobbes, Leviathan, ch. 6; Della Rocca, ch.
3, sections 5-7; Donagan, ch. 7;
(1975); Gatens & Lloyd, ch. 1. M 4/30 Ethics, Part III (Of the Affects) -- Conatus
and the
Definition of
the Affects Primary: SR, 152-162 (E3
definitions, axioms, postulates,
E3p1-p13). Secondary:
Companion, chapter 5. Recommended: Descartes, Passions
the Soul, preface, Part I (CSM I, 326-48); Hobbes, Leviathan,
ch. 6;
Curley (1988), ch. 3; Donagan, ch. 8; Bennett, chs. 9-10; Della Rocca,
ch. 4; Gatens &
100-107. Ethics, Part III (Of the Affects) -- The Structure of the Affective Life Primary: SR,
definitions of the affects, general definition of the affects). Recommended: Descartes, Passions
the Soul, Part II (CSM I, 349-382); Hobbes, Leviathan, chs.
Bennett, ch. 11. M 5/7
Ethics, Part IV (Of Human
Bondage) --
Human Limitations and
Sociability Primary: SR, 197-218 (E4
definitions, axioms, E4p1-p36). Secondary:
Companion, chapter 6; Theological-Political
16. Recommended: Hobbes, Leviathan,
ch. 13; Bennett, ch. 12; Della Rocca, ch. 5; Donagan, ch. 9; Gatens
& Lloyd, ch. 4. <>M 5/14 Topic Statment with Annotated Bibliography Due Ethics, Part IV (Of Human Bondage) -- Politics and the Free Man Primary: SR, 218-244
appendix). Secondary:
Companion, chapter 7. Recommended: Hobbes,
chapters 10-17; Garrett (1990); Bennett, ch. 13; Gatens & Lloyd,
chs. 2, 3,
& 6. Ethics, Part V (Of
Human Freedom) -- Mastering the Affects Primary: SR, 244-255 (E5
preface, axioms,
E5p1-p20). Secondary:
Companion, selections from chapters 3,
6, and 8. Recommended: Descartes, Passions
the Soul, Part I, article 50, Part III (CSM I, 348, 383-404);
Bennett, ch.
14. TU 5/29 Preliminary Draft and Abstract Due
Part V (Of Human Freedom) -- Amor Dei Intellectualis and the
Eternity of
the Mind Primary: SR, 255-265
(E5p21-p42). Recommended:
Donagan, ch. 10; Bennett, ch. 15; Curley (1988),
Nadler (2001). Secondary:
Companion, chapter 10. Recommended:
Gatens & Lloyd, ch. 6. W 6/6
Paper Due at Noon.
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