Tenative Grading Scale:


392-400                   98-100                     A+                          4.0

372-391                   93-97                       A                             3.9-3.7

356-371                   89-92                       A-                           3.6-3.5

340-355                   85-88                       B+                           3.4-3.2    

324-339                   81-84                       B                            3.1-2.8

308-323                   77-80                       B-                           2.7-2.5

292-307                   73-76                       C+                          2.4-2.2

276-291                   69-72                       C                             2.1-1.8

260-275                   65-68                       C-                           1.7-1.5

244-259                   61-64                       D+                           1.4-1.2

228-243                   57-60                       D                            1.1-.8

212-227                   53-56                       D-                            .7

0-211                       0-52                         F                              0.0

 Please note that this is a guide to your grades and I reserve the right to adjust it.