.. _fortran_taylor: ============================================================= Fortran examples: Taylor series ============================================================= Here is an example code that uses the Taylor series for :math:`exp(x)` to estimate the value of this function at :math:`x=1`: .. literalinclude:: ../codes/fortran/taylor.f90 :language: fortran :linenos: Running this code gives:: x = 1.00000000000000 exp_true = 2.71828182845905 exptaylor = 2.71828174591064 error = -8.254840055954560E-008 Here's a modification where the number of terms to use is computed based on the size of the next term in the series. The function has been rewritten as a subroutine so the number of terms can be returned as well. .. literalinclude:: ../codes/fortran/taylor_converge.f90 :language: fortran :linenos: This produces:: x true approximate error nterms -20.000 0.2061153622D-08 0.5621884472D-08 0.1727542678D+01 95 -16.000 0.1125351747D-06 0.1125418051D-06 0.5891819580D-04 81 -12.000 0.6144212353D-05 0.6144213318D-05 0.1569943213D-06 66 -8.000 0.3354626279D-03 0.3354626279D-03 0.6586251980D-11 51 -4.000 0.1831563889D-01 0.1831563889D-01 0.1723771005D-13 34 0.000 0.1000000000D+01 0.1000000000D+01 0.0000000000D+00 1 4.000 0.5459815003D+02 0.5459815003D+02 0.5205617665D-15 30 8.000 0.2980957987D+04 0.2980957987D+04 0.1525507414D-15 42 12.000 0.1627547914D+06 0.1627547914D+06 0.3576402292D-15 51 16.000 0.8886110521D+07 0.8886110521D+07 0.0000000000D+00 59 20.000 0.4851651954D+09 0.4851651954D+09 0.1228543295D-15 67 Comments: * Note the use of `exit` to break out of the loop. * Note that it is getting full machine precision for positive values of `x` but, as expected, the accuracy suffers for negative `x` due to cancellation. See :ref:`homework2` for further improvements to this code.