.. _editors: ============================================================= Text editors ============================================================= gedit ----- ``gedit`` is a simple, easy-to-use text editor with support for syntax highlighting for a variety of programming languages, including Python and Fortran. It is installed by default on most GNOME-based Linux systems, such as Ubuntu, and is included in the :ref:`vm`. NEdit ----- Another easy-to-use editor, available from ``_. NEdit is available for almost all Unix systems, including Linux and Mac OS X; OS X support requires an X Windows server. XCode ----- XCode is a free integrated development environment available for Mac OS X from Apple at ``_. It should be more than adequate for the needs of this class. TextWrangler ------------ TextWrangler is another free programmer's text editor for Mac OS X, available at ``_. vi or vim --------- ``vi`` ("Visual Interface") / ``vim`` ("``vi`` iMproved") is a fast, powerful text editor. Its interface is extremely different from modern editors, and can be difficult to get used to, but ``vi`` can offer substantially higher productivity for an experienced user. It is available for all operating systems; see ``_ for downloads and documentation. A command line version of ``vi`` is already installed in the class VM. emacs ----- ``emacs`` ("Editing Macros") is another powerful text editor. Its interface may be slightly easier to get used to than that of ``vi``, but it is still extremely different from modern editors, and is also extremely different from ``vi``. It offers similar productivity benefits to ``vi``. See ``_ for downloads and documentation. On a Debian or Ubuntu Linux system, such as the class VM, you can install it by typing ``sudo apt-get install emacs`` at the command line. Further reading ---------------