Clawpack Library Routines


claw2.f [.html]
The main routine.

claw2ez.f [.html]
The main routine for the ez version of Clawpack which is almost always used. Makes assumptions about where the data is stored.

bc2.f [.html]
Imposes boundary conditions by extending values in the computational grid to ghost cells on either side.

If you want to add a new boundary condition, copy this file to your application directory, modify it, and then modify the Makefile to point to the new version.

step2.f [.html]
Takes a single time step. Called from [code claw2.f], calls the flux2 routine (which is generally in the applications directory).

step2ds.f [.html]
Takes a single time step using dimensional splitting instead of the unsplit method. Called from [code claw2.f], calls the flux2 routine (which is generally in the applications directory).

flux2.f [.html]
Computes fluxes. Called from [code step2.f], calls the Riemann solvers (which are generally in the applications directory).

rpn2.f [.html]
A sample normal Riemann solver showing the structure required.

rpt2.f [.html]
A sample transverse Riemann solver showing the structure required.

flux2.f [.html]
Computes fluxes using the f-wave formulation.

limiter.f [.html]
Applies a limiter to the waves.

philim.f [.html]
Various standard limiters.

inlinelimiter.f [.html]
A faster version of limiter.f [.html] together with philim.f [.html] This should be used rather than the older codes.

out2.f [.html]
Outputs the solution to files fort.q000N in ASCII.

out2_hdf.f [.html]
Outputs the solution to files fort.q000N in hdf format.

restart2.f [.html]
Restarts the calculation from a fort.q000N file (in ASCII).

restart2_hdf.f [.html]
Restarts the calculation from a fort.q000N file (in hdf format).

setaux.f [.html]
Used to set aux arrays for a particular application.

This default version does nothing.

If you want to use it, copy it to your application directory, modify it, and then modify the Makefile to point to the new version.

b4step2.f [.html]
This routine can be used to perform some action every time step.

If you want to modify it, copy it to your application directory, modify it, and then modify the Makefile to point to the new version.

setprob.f [.html]
Sets parameters for a particular problem.

This default version does nothing.

If you want to use it, copy it to your application directory, modify it, and then modify the Makefile to point to the new version.

src2.f [.html]
Called each time step to advance q by the source terms, if present.

This default version does nothing.

If you want to use it, copy it to your application directory, modify it, and then modify the Makefile to point to the new version.

copyq2.f [.html]
Makes a copy of the solution q before taking a time step in case we need to retract the step.