 Source file:
 Directory:   /home/rjl/www/pubs/cise08/cise08levequeV2
 Converted:   Wed Jul 2 2008 at 13:40:44
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

import os,sys,shutil,glob
import string,re
import time
import subprocess
from numpy import *


class ClawData:
    Classes and functions for manipulating clawpack input data in files *.data

    def __init__(self,*datafilelist):
        self.datafiles = []
        for datafile in datafilelist:

    def read(self,*datafilelist):
        Read data in from a clawpack style data file.
        Any lines of the form
           values  =:  name
        is used to set an attribute of self.
        verbose = False

        if len(datafilelist) == 0:
            datafilelist = self.datafiles

        for datafile in datafilelist:
            if datafile not in self.datafiles:
            if verbose:
                print "    Reading data file:  ",datafile,"  

" file = open(datafile,'r') regexp = re.compile(r"(?P.*)=:(?P.*)") for line in file: result = if result: name = re.split(r'\s+','name').strip())[0] values = re.split(r'\s+','values').strip()) if values[0]=='T': values = ['True'] if values[0]=='F': values = ['False'] if len(values) > 0: setval = "self." + name + " = " + ','.join(values) else: print "Error -- empty values for name ", name exec(setval) #============================= def write(self,*datafilelist): #============================= """ Write data out to a clawpack datafile Any lines of the form values =: name are overwritten using the current attribute of self for values. If datafilelist is empty, all data files in self.datafiles are overwritten. """ verbose = False if len(datafilelist) == 0: datafilelist = self.datafiles if len(datafilelist) == 0: print "Error - no data files specified" return for datafile in datafilelist: try: file = open(datafile,'r') except: print "Error -- data file does not exist: ",datafile return newdatafile = datafile + 'xxxxx' try: newfile = open(newdatafile,'wb') except: print "Error -- data file does not exist: ",datafile regexp = re.compile(r"(?P.*)=:(?P.*)") for line in file: result = if result: name = re.split(r'\s+','name').strip())[0] values = re.split(r'\s+','values').strip()) if hasattr(self,name): newvalues = getattr(self,name) if isinstance(newvalues,tuple) \ | isinstance(newvalues,list): # remove brackets or parens: newstring = repr(newvalues)[1:-1] # remove commas: newstring = newstring.replace(',','') # Need to fix? #elif isinstance(newvalues,bool): elif 0: if newvalues==True: newstring = 'T' elif newvalues==False: newstring = 'F' else: newstring = repr(newvalues) newstart = string.ljust(newstring,25) line = line.replace('values')+"=:", \ newstart +" =:") newfile.write(line) file.close() newfile.close() try: os.remove(datafile) os.rename(newdatafile,datafile) if verbose: print "Wrote new version of data file: ",datafile,"

" except: print 'could not rename ',newdatafile, ' as ',datafile #========================================= def change_data(datafile,param,newstring): #========================================= verbose = False file = open(datafile,'r') newdatafile = datafile + 'xxxxx' newfile = open(newdatafile,'wb') regexp = re.compile(r"(?P.*)=:\s*" + param) for line in file: result = if result: newstart = string.ljust(newstring,25) line = line.replace('values')+"=:", \ newstart +" =:") if verbose: print "Changed data value ",param," to ", newstring newfile.write(line) file.close() newfile.close() try: os.remove(datafile) os.rename(newdatafile,datafile) except: print 'could not rename ',newdatafile, ' as ',datafile # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Classes and functions for reading clawpack solutions from files fort.* # # Simplest use: # clawframe = read_clawframe(N,outdir) # reads data from both fort.t000N and fort.q000N # # To read from fort.t but not the bigger fort.q, e.g. if you only need # to determine ndim: # clawframe = ClawFrame(N,outdir) # clawframe.read_fortt() # ndim = clawframe.ndim # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #========================================================= def read_clawline(inputfile, type='float', filetype='ascii'): #========================================================= """ Reads one line from an input file fort.t* or fort.q* type is an optional type declaration, understands 'int', 'float' """ line = inputfile.readline() l = line.split() if type=='int': return int(l[0]) else: return float(l[0]) #============== class ClawGrid: #============== """ ClawGrid - Data structure for a single grid. One Frame may consist of many grids if AMR is used. clawframe.grids[m] is of type ClawGrid for m=1..clawframe.ngrids Members: Grid Information - gridno - Current grid number level - Level of the current grid in AMR structure Dimension Information - (mx,my,mz) - Number of grid cells in each dimension (xlow,ylow,zlow) - Lower bound on the current grid (dx,dy,dz) - Spatial descretization Data - q - Data for this frame of dimension (mx,my,mz,meqn) Grid Data - Automatically generated grid (xedge,yedge,zedge) - grid of size (mx+1,my+1,mz+1) with location of left edge of each cell (including 1 ghost cell on right) (xcenter,ycenter,zcenter) - grid of size (mx,my,mz) with location of center of each cell """ #================== def __init__(self): #================== # Grid information self.gridno = [] self.level = [] # Dimension information = [] self.xlow = [] self.dx = [] = [] self.ylow = [] self.dy = [] = [] self.zlow = [] = [] # Data for this frame self.q = [] # Grid data self.xedge = [] self.xcenter = [] self.yedge = [] self.ycenter = [] self.zedge = [] self.zcenter = [] # Viewable members of this class self.members = ["mx","xlow","dx","my","ylow","dy","mz","zlow","dz","gridno","level"] self.members.sort() #================== def __repr__(self): #================== output = "" for attr in self.members: output = output+"%s = %s, " % (attr,eval("self.%s" % attr)) return str(output) #================ class ClawFrame: #================ """ ClawFrame - General data structure class for all grids at one output time Members: General Frame Information - frame - Frame number N from fort.q000N for this object meqn - Number of equations ngrids - Number of grids maux - Dimension of the auxillary array t - Output time for this frame grids - Array of objects of type ClawGrid of size ngrids Functions: __init__ - initialize attributes read_fortt - read t,meqn,ngrids,ndim,maux from fort.t file read_fortq - read solution from ascii fort.q file """ #===================================== def __init__(self,frame,outdir='./'): #===================================== # General frame information self.frame = frame self.outdir = outdir self.meqn = -1 self.ngrids = -1 self.maux = -1 self.t = -1 self.grids = [] # Viewable members of this class self.members = ["frame","meqn","ngrids","maux","t","grids"] self.members.sort() #================== def __repr__(self): #================== output = "" for attr in self.members: output = output+"%s = %s\n" % (attr,eval("self.%s" % attr)) return str(output) #======================================= def read_fortt(self): #======================================= """ Reads in clawpack file fort.t000N where N = self.frame """ frame = self.frame if frame < 0: # Don't construct file names with negative frame values. print " " print "Frame " + str(frame) + " does not exist ***" clawframe = [] return clawframe # Open fort.t file outdir = self.outdir fname = os.path.join(outdir, 'fort.t') + str(frame).zfill(4) try: f = open(fname,'r') except: print " " print "File " + fname + " does not exist ***" sys.exit(1) # Read in values from fort.t file: try: self.t = read_clawline(f) self.meqn = read_clawline(f,'int') self.ngrids = read_clawline(f,'int') self.ndim = read_clawline(f,'int') self.maux = read_clawline(f,'int') f.close() except: print "File " + fname + " should contain t, meqn, ngrids, ndim, maux" sys.exit(1) #======================================= def read_fortq(self, filetype='ascii'): #======================================= """ Reads in clawpack file fort.q000N where N = self.frame (currently only works for ascii output files) """ if filetype != 'ascii': print "Only works for filetype = 'ascii'" sys.exit(1) frame = self.frame if frame < 0: # Don't construct file names with negative frame values. print " " print "Frame " + str(frame) + " does not exist ***" sys.exit(1) # Open fort.q file outdir = self.outdir fname = os.path.join(outdir, 'fort.q') + str(frame).zfill(4) try: f = open(fname,'r') except: print " " print "File " + fname + " does not exist ***" sys.exit(1) # Read in solution from fort.q file: for ng in range(self.ngrids): grid = ClawGrid() grid.gridno = read_clawline(f,'int') grid.level = read_clawline(f,'int') = read_clawline(f,'int') if self.ndim > 1: = read_clawline(f,'int') if self.ndim > 2: = read_clawline(f,'int') grid.xlow = read_clawline(f) if self.ndim > 1: grid.ylow = read_clawline(f) if self.ndim > 2: grid.zlow = read_clawline(f) grid.dx = read_clawline(f) if self.ndim > 1: grid.dy = read_clawline(f) if self.ndim > 2: = read_clawline(f) blank = f.readline() # Read the data for this grid and create the grid if self.ndim == 1: grid.xedge = empty(,'d') grid.xcenter = empty(,'d') grid.q = empty((,self.meqn),'d') for i in range(0, grid.xedge[i] = grid.xlow + i*grid.dx grid.xcenter[i] = grid.xlow + (i+0.5)*grid.dx line = f.readline() l = line.split() for m in range(0,self.meqn): grid.q[i,m] = float(l[m]) # right edge of last cell: grid.xedge[] = grid.xlow +*grid.dx elif self.ndim == 2: grid.xedge = empty(,'d') grid.xcenter = empty(,'d') grid.yedge = empty(,'d') grid.ycenter = empty(,'d') grid.q = empty((,,self.meqn),'d') for j in range( grid.yedge[j] = grid.ylow + j*grid.dy grid.ycenter[j] = grid.ylow + (j+0.5)*grid.dy for i in range( grid.xedge[i] = grid.xlow + i*grid.dx grid.xcenter[i] = grid.xlow + (i+0.5)*grid.dx line = f.readline() l = line.split() for m in range(0,self.meqn): grid.q[i,j,m] = float(l[m]) blank = f.readline() grid.xedge[] = grid.xlow +*grid.dx grid.yedge[] = grid.ylow +*grid.dy else: print "ERROR: 3D not implemented!" grid.q = emtpy((,,,self.meqn),'d') # Add grid to the clawframe data object self.grids.append(grid) #================================================== def read_clawframe(frame, outdir='./', filetype='ascii'): #================================================== """ read_clawframe: General function call to read in clawpack data. Returns an object that is of type ClawFrame. Arguments: frame - Frame number N: read files fort.t000N and fort.q000N outdir - Directory containing fort files, defaults to './' filetype - Type of file to be read in (ascii is the only file type currently supported) Returns: clawframe - Object of class ClawFrame containing all the information about the frame requested """ clawframe = ClawFrame(frame,outdir) clawframe.read_fortt() clawframe.read_fortq(filetype) return clawframe #------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------- def current_time(addtz=False): #----------------------------- # determine current time and reformat: time1 = time.asctime() year = time1[-5:] day = time1[:-14] hour = time1[-13:-5] current_time = day + year + ' at ' + hour if addtz: current_time = current_time + ' ' + time.tzname[time.daylight] return current_time #------------------------------------------------------------ def runclaw(xdir='.', rundir='.', outdir='.', overwrite=False, \ xclawcmd = 'xclaw', xclawout=None, xclawerr=None, \ savecode=False, runmake=False): #------------------------------------------------------------ ''' Run the command xdir/xclawcmd, directing the output fort.* files to outdir, writing unit 6 timestepping info to file xclawout. Runtime error messages are written to file xclawerr. If xclawout(xclawerr) is None, then output to stdout(stderr). If savecode==True, archive a copy of the code into directory outdir. This function returns the returncode from the process running xclawcmd, which will be nonzero if a runtime error occurs. ''' debug = False if debug: print "

In runclaw... xdir = ",xdir print "

outdir = ",outdir print "

xclawout = ",xclawout print "

" startdir = os.getcwd() xdir = os.path.abspath(xdir) xclawcmd = os.path.join(xdir,xclawcmd) try: os.chdir(xdir) except: print "Cannot change to directory xdir = ",xdir return 999 if runmake: try: os.system('make') except: print 'Warning: no make file in directory xdir = ',xdir if outdir != '.': if os.path.isfile(outdir): print "Error: outdir specified is a file" return 999 elif (os.path.isdir(outdir) & overwrite): print "Directory ", outdir, " already exists, " print " will be removed and recreated..." try: shutil.rmtree(outdir) except: print "Cannot remove directory ",outdir return 999 elif (os.path.isdir(outdir) & (not overwrite)): print "Directory ", outdir, " already exists." print "Remove directory with 'rm -r ",outdir,"' and try again," print " or use overwrite=True in call to runclaw" return 999 try: os.mkdir(outdir) except: print "Cannot make directory ",outdir return 999 #print "Created directory ",outdir try: os.chdir(rundir) except: print "Cannot change to directory ",rundir return 999 datafiles = glob.glob('*.data') if datafiles == (): print "Warning: no data files found in directory ",rundir else: if rundir != outdir: for file in datafiles: shutil.copy(file,os.path.join(outdir,file)) if xclawout: xclawout = open(xclawout,'wb') if xclawerr: xclawerr = open(xclawerr,'wb') os.chdir(outdir) #print "\nIn directory outdir = ",outdir,"\n" # execute command to run fortran program: try: print "\nExecuting ",xclawcmd, " ... " pclaw = subprocess.Popen(xclawcmd,stdout=xclawout,stderr=xclawerr) pclaw.wait() # wait for code to run if pclaw.returncode == 0: print "\nFinished executing\n" else: print "\n *** Runtime error: return code = %s\n " % pclaw.returncode except: print "\nError: could not execute command\n" return 999 os.chdir(startdir) return pclaw.returncode #--------------------------------- def svn_revision(dir="CLAW"): #--------------------------------- """ Determine the svn revision number of the version of code being used. If dir="CLAW" it returns the revision number of the claw directory. This only checks the top most level and assumes this is accurate. """ if dir=="CLAW": dir = os.environ['CLAW'] svn_entries = dir + '/.svn/entries' try: f = open(svn_entries,'r') lines = f.readlines() revision = int(lines[3]) # fourth line of file, converted to int f.close() except: revision = None return revision