Density inside inclusions is twice the density outside.
Sound speed inside inclusions is 1.5 times the density outside.
120x40 Cartesian grid:
120x40 Mapped grid:
Acoustic wave (pressure) at time t=12 on 480x160 mapped grid:
Pressure at time t=28 on 480x160 mapped grid:
Pressure at time t=28 on 120x40 mapped grid:
Pressure at time t=28 on 120x40 Cartesian grid:
Pressure gauge data for mapped grids (p vs. t at right boundary and y = 0.5):
Pressure gauge data for Cartesian grids (p vs. t at right boundary and y = 0.5):
Pressure gauge data for mapped grids (p vs. t at right boundary and y = 0.25):
Pressure gauge data for Cartesian grids (p vs. t at right boundary and y
= 0.25):