The GeoClaw software for depth-averaged flows with adaptive refinement
by M. J. Berger, D. L. George, R. J. LeVeque, and K. T. Mandli Advances in Water Resources 34 (2011), pp. 1195-1206.

Abstract. Many geophysical flow or wave propagation problems can be modeled with two-dimensional depth-averaged equations, of which the shallow water equations are the simplest example. We describe the GeoClaw software that has been designed to solve problems of this nature, consisting of open source Fortran programs together with Python tools for the user interface and flow visualization. This software uses high-resolution shock-capturing finite volume methods on logically rectangular grids, including latitude--longitude grids on the sphere. Dry states are handled automatically to model inundation. The code incorporates adaptive mesh refinement to allow the efficient solution of large-scale geophysical problems. Examples are given illustrating its use for modeling tsunamis, dam break problems, and storm surge. Documentation and download information is available at

Preprint: arXiv:1008.0455v1 [physics.geo-ph]

Published version: doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.02.016 ... [AWR2011.pdf]

Simulations and computer code to accompany this paper

bibtex entry:

    Author = {M. J. Berger and D. L. George and R. J. LeVeque and K. T.  Mandli},
    Journal = {Adv. Water Res.},
    Title = {The {GeoClaw} software for depth-averaged flows with 
             adaptive refinement},
    Url = {\url{}},
    Doi = {10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.02.016},
    Volume = {34},
    Year = {2011},
    Pages = {1195-1206}}

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