Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
October 9, 1999

Registration Form ********* Please return by October 1, 1999





   City, State/Province:

   ZIP/Postal Code:

   Telephone:  (   )

   FAX:     (   )

   E-mail address:

   Check here if you need a parking space in the Tera garage  ____
     (if you are carpooling, check only one form per car)

   Conference Fee:  $5


      Students:  $5
      People with real salaries: $10
      Spouses and other family members: $5

      Number of dinner tickets _____

   Total Amount Enclosed:  $ ___________  (must be in US dollars)

   Check here if you need a receipt for your conference fee _____

   Check here if you need a receipt for your dinner ticket(s) ____

   Please send completed Registration Form with payment
   (checks payable to "Ted Stern") to:

        Ted Stern
        Tera Computer Company
        411 First Avenue South, Suite 600
        Seattle, WA 98104-2860

Please also e-mail a copy to