Applications within CLAWPACK

A number of applications are included with CLAWPACK, in the claw/applications directory. For a list of applications and test problems currently available, see the README file in that directory.

These examples serve as templates for developing codes for related problems, and include the necessary Riemann solvers, boundary condition routines, etc.

Other applications of CLAWPACK

CLAWPACK has been used to solve many other problems by researchers and students at the University of Washington and elsewhere. Here are a few pointers to some work that I know of, arranged by problem area. In some cases there are (will be!) sample drivers, Riemann solvers, or other routines available. At the moment there are mostly only sample results.

If you have developed an application and would like to include a pointer here, please send e-mail to Randy LeVeque, at <>

See also the sample calculations and animations on the AMRCLAW webpage.

For making animations of clawpack computations in matlab, I recommend the movie software developed by Andreas Wiegmann.