Vorticity Generated by a Shock Wave
Here color images, animations and related computations will be found. Until a dedicated web page is made, focusing more on the numerics, please follow the link below to another web page accompanying a proceeding from the conference
Godunov Methods: Theory and Applications
Oxford, UK, 1999
(Still some information at http://www.numeritek.com/)
The proceeding, with the title 3D Visualization of Shock Waves using Voxel Rendering, is focusing more on visualization techniques used for the same problem. There you will find animations and color images, but nothing on limiter influence and the effect of operator splitting. These issues will be covered in  a new version of this page.
* go to the
proceeding web page *
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 ©FFI, P.O. Box 25, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway
Last updated: January 16th, 2001
Jan Olav Langseth (jol@ffi.no)