Converting from Clawpack 4.3 to 4.4 or 4.5

The minimal change needed to make a 4.3 application run in 4.4 (or 4.5) is to rename the file as and add a line to the top with a single value N, the number of space dimensions.

To take full advantage of new features available in Clawpack 4.4 you may also want to:

  • Create a file to automatically generate,
  • Modify to also create or other data files you read in. In this case you must alse modify setprob.f to use the library routine opendatafile instead of the f77 function open as illustrated in examples. This routine skips over the warning message generated at the top of data files.
  • Switch to Python graphics by creating an appropriate file,
  • Rewrite the Makefile to give options ‘make .output’, ‘make .plots’, etc.
  • Create a README.txt file that has links to the various other files in this directory, that will be converted to README.html by ‘make .htmls’

Python conversion tool

A first pass at all of the conversions listed above can often be achieved by typing:

$ python $CLAW/python/

in your application directory. You should then inspect the files generated and fix any broken links, etc.

Currently this works for 1d and 2d applications on a single grid, but not for amrclaw.

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