set_length.m.html CLAWPACK  
 Source file:   set_length.m
 Directory:   /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/matlab
 Converted:   Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:58   using clawcode2html
 This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file.

function aout = set_length(a,m)

% Internal Matlab routine for Clawpack graphics

% This routine expands the length of a to a vector of length m.
% If length(a) >= m, aout(1:m) = a(1:m).
% If length(a) < m, then aout cycles through entries of a to fill up
% m entries.

if (size(a,1) ~= 1 & size(a,2) ~= 1)
  error('set_length : At least one dimension must be 1');

n = length(a);
for i = 1:m,
  aout(i) = a(mod(i-1,n) + 1);