projectcontours.m.html | ![]() |
Source file: projectcontours.m | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/matlab | |
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function p_out = projectcontours(sdir,sval) % % PROJECTCONTOURS projects contours lines from a manifold to a specifed x, % y, or z plane. % % PROJECTCONTOURS(SDIR,SVAL) projects contours from manifold to plane at % constant SDIR at value SVAL. The axes are automatically adjusted % in the direction SDIR so that the newly created contour lines are % visible. % % P = PROJECTCONTOURS(SDIR,SVAL) returns a patch object whose dimensions % are specified by the current axis limits. Initially the 'FaceColor' % property of this patch object is set to 'w', and the 'EdgeColor' is % set to 'k'. The user may change these properties with the following % commands: % % Example : % p = projectcontours('z',-1); % projects contours from manifold % % plane at z = -1. % set(p,'EdgeColor','none'); % Edge of patch containing new % % contours is made invisible. % set(p,'FaceColor','r'); % Set patch face color to red. % % % NOTE : If no contours were created on original manifold, this command % does nothing. To create contours, set ContourValues to scalar (number % of contour lines) or vector of contour values. % % This command works only with 2d plots. % % See also PATCH, MANIFOLD, SHOWCONTOURLINES, HIDECONTOURLINES. slices = get_slices('z'); if (length(slices) ~= 1) error('projectcontours : There should be exactly one slice in the z direction'); end; slice = slices{1}; % assume one slice in z direction. xlim = get(gca,'XLim'); ylim = get(gca,'YLim'); zlim = get(gca,'ZLim'); [xlim_like, ylim_like, zlim_like] = get_xyzlike(xlim,ylim,zlim,sdir); [yem2_like,zem2_like] = meshgrid(ylim_like, zlim_like); xem2_like = 0*yem2_like + sval; [xem2, yem2, zem2] = get_xyz(xem2_like, yem2_like, zem2_like,sdir); % Create new patch and set color to white. p_new = patch(surf2patch(xem2,yem2, zem2)); set(p_new,'FaceColor','w'); set(p_new,'EdgeColor','k'); clines_new = []; for level = 1:length(slice), % loop over levels pvec = slice{level}; % patches at level 'level' for k = 1:length(pvec), p = pvec(k); udata = get(p,'UserData'); % now project the contourlines. clines = udata.contourLines; hdl = []; for i = 1:length(clines), xdata = get(clines(i),'XData'); ydata = get(clines(i),'YData'); zdata = get(clines(i),'ZData'); [xdata_like, ydata_like, zdata_like] = get_xyzlike(xdata,ydata,zdata,sdir); xdata_like = 0*xdata_like + sval; [xdata,ydata,zdata] = get_xyz(xdata_like, ydata_like, zdata_like,sdir); hdl(i) = line('XData',xdata,'YData',ydata,'ZData',zdata); udata_cline = get(clines(i),'UserData'); udata_h.cval = udata_cline.cval; set(hdl(i),'UserData',udata_h); end; clines_new = [clines_new hdl]; end; end; udata_new.contourLines = clines_new; % Set user data for new patch. set(p_new,'UserData',udata_new); % Change limits of axis so that we can see the projected contour lines. prop = sprintf('%sLimMode',upper(sdir)); set(gca,prop,'auto'); if (nargout == 1) p_out = p_new; end;