plotclaw3.m.html | ![]() |
Source file: plotclaw3.m | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/matlab | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:58 using clawcode2html | |
This documentation file will not reflect any later changes in the source file. |
% % PLOTCLAW3 is the main driver routine for plotting 3d graphs for Clawpack. % % PLOTCLAW3 is the main routine that the user calls to step through a % series of frames (i.e. fort.tXXXX and fort.qXXXX files). % % Various parameters can be set in SETPLOT3. The default version in % claw/matlab/setplot3.m can be copied to your directory and modifed to % set things up differently, or type 'k' at the prompt to get keyboard % control and change a value. % % See also SETPLOT, PLOTFRAME3. % generic plotting routine for clawpack and amrclaw output in matlab % R. J. LeVeque, 1999 % % Various parameters are set in setplot3.m % The default version in claw/matlab/setplot3.m can be copied to your % directory and modified to set things up differently, or type 'k' % at the prompt to get keyboard control and change a value. % %--------------------------------------------------------------------- clawdim = 3; disp(' ') disp('plotclaw3 plots 3d results from clawpack or amrclaw') % set plotting parameters: whichfile = which('setplot3'); if strcmp(whichfile,'') disp('*** No setplot3 file found') else inp = input(['Execute setplot3 (default = no)? '],'s'); inpd = findstr('y',lower(inp)); if (inpd == 1) setplot3; disp(['Executing m-script ' whichfile]) disp(' ') end end disp(' ') % the file setprob.m can be used to set up any necessary physical parameters % or desired values of plotting parameters for this particular problem. whichfile = which('setprob'); if strcmp(whichfile,'') %disp('*** No setprob file found') else disp(['Executing m-script ' whichfile]) disp(' ') setprob end set_value('outputdir','OutputDir','./'); set_value('outputflag','OutputFlag','ascii'); %============================================= % MAIN LOOP ON FRAMES: %============================================= Frame = -1; % initialize frame counter if ~exist('MaxFrames') disp('MaxFrames parameter not set... you may need to execute setplot3') break; end while Frame <= MaxFrames % pause for input from user to determine if we go to next frame, % look at data, or skip around. This may reset Frame counter. old_Frame = Frame; queryframe % this changes value of Frame if (old_Frame ~= Frame | isempty(amrdata)) [amrdata,t] = readamrdata(clawdim,Frame,outputdir,outputflag); end; plotframe3; end % main loop on frames