getlegendinfo.m.html | ![]() |
Source file: getlegendinfo.m | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/matlab | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:56 using clawcode2html | |
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function [level_handles,level_labels_out] = getlegendinfo; % GETLEGENDINFO returns line plot info for creating legends. % % [H,LABELS] = GETLEGENDINFO returns a vector of handles to the line % plots created by PLOTCLAW1, PLOTCLAW2 and PLOTCLAW3. The handles are % in the vector H and optional labels are in the cell matrix % LABELS. This information can be passed directly to the Matlab LEGEND % command to add legends to your plots. Additionally, this information % can be combined with other line plots you may add to the plot (1d % reference solutions, for example) to further describe your plot. % % When you pass this data to the LEGEND command, the symbols you % set in ScatterStyle, PlotStyle, or LineStyle will be correctly % displayed on the legend. % % The strings return in LABELS are default strings 'Level 1', 'Level 2' % and so on. % % H = GETLEGENDINFO returns the vector of handles only. The user can % then supply their own labels for the line plots created by Clawpack graphics. % % Example : % % % AFTERFRAME file for a scatter plot of AMR data : % [h_amr, labels_amr] = getlegendinfo; % % Use default labels in 'Level 1','Level 2','Level 3', etc. % legend(h_amr,labels_amr); % % Example : % % % AFTERFRAME file for a scatter plot of AMR data : % h_amr = getlegendinfo; % % Create your own labels % legend(h_amr,{'My Level 1', 'My Level 2', 'My Level 3'}); % % Example : % % % AFTERFRAME file for a scatter plot of AMR data : % % Add 1d reference solution line plot to legend % [data1d,tref] = readamrdata(1,Frame,'./qref/'); % [qref,xref,p] = plotframe1ez(data1d,mq); % [h_amr,labels_amr] = getlegendinfo; % legend([h_amr,p],{labels_amr{:},'1d reference solution'}); % % See Also LEGEND, CELL, PAREN. amrlines = get_lines; level_handles = []; level_labels = {}; for level = 1:length(amrlines), svec = amrlines{level}; if (~isempty(svec)) level_labels{level} = sprintf('Level %d',level); level_handles(level) = svec(1); end; end; if (nargout == 2) level_labels_out = level_labels; end;