topointegral_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: topointegral_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
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c=========================================================================== function topointegral(xim,xcell,xip,yjm,ycell,yjp, & xxlow,yylow,dxx,dyy,mxx,myy,zz,intmethod) c=========================================================================== c########################################################################### c topointegral integrates a surface over a rectangular region c that is the intersection with a Cartesion grid (of topography data) c the surface integrated is defined by a piecewise bilinear through the c nodes of the Cartesian grid. c The rectangular intersection has coords: c xim <= x <= xip, yjm <= y <= yjp, with center (x,y) = (xcell, ycell) c c The Cartesian grid has coords: c xxlow <= x <= xxhi, yylow <= y <= yyhi, with grid cell size dxx by dyy c and mxx by myy cells. c c written by David L. George c Seattle, WA 7/16/08 c########################################################################### use geoclaw_module implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) double precision zz(1:mxx,1:myy) c # initialize: theintegral = 0.d0 xxhi=xxlow+(mxx-1)*dxx yyhi=yylow+(myy-1)*dyy c========TEST FOR SMALL ROUNDING ERROR========== if ((xim-xxlow).lt.0.d0.or.(xip-xxhi).gt.0.d0) then xim=dmax1(xxlow,xim) xip=dmin1(xxhi,xip) endif if ((yjm-yylow).lt.0.d0.or.(yjp-yyhi).gt.0.d0) then yjm=dmax1(yylow,yjm) yjp=dmin1(yyhi,yjp) endif c========================================= dx=xip-xim dy=yjp-yjm c=============INTEGRATE PIECEWISE BILINEAR OVER RECTANGULAR REGION==== if (intmethod.eq.1) then !use bilinear method c don't waste time looping through the entire grid c just find indices that include the rectangular region djjstart=(yjm-yylow)/dyy jjstart=idint(djjstart)+1 diistart=(xim-xxlow)/dxx iistart=idint(diistart)+1 diiend=(xip-xxlow)/dxx iiend=ceiling(diiend) + 1 djjend=(yjp-yylow)/dyy jjend=ceiling(djjend)+1 iistart=max(iistart,1) jjstart=max(jjstart,1) iiend=min(mxx,iiend) jjend=min(myy,jjend) do jj=jjstart,jjend-1 y1=yylow + (jj-1.d0)*dyy y2=yylow + (jj)*dyy c # the array zz is indexed from north to south: jjz is the actual index c # of interest in the array zz jjz1= myy-jj+1 jjz2= jjz1-1 do ii=iistart,iiend-1 x1=xxlow + (ii-1.d0)*dxx x2=xxlow + (ii)*dxx z11 = zz(ii,jjz1) z12 = zz(ii,jjz2) z21 = zz(ii+1,jjz1) z22 = zz(ii+1,jjz2) if (icoordsys.eq.1) then !cartesian rectangle theintegral = theintegral + bilinearintegral( & xim,xip,yjm,yjp, & x1,x2,y1,y2, & dxx,dyy, & z11,z12,z21,z22) elseif (icoordsys.eq.2) then !integrate on surface of sphere theintegral = theintegral + bilinearintegral_s( & xim,xip,yjm,yjp, & x1,x2,y1,y2, & dxx,dyy, & z11,z12,z21,z22, & Rearth,pi) else write(*,*) 'TOPOINTEGRAL: icoordsys error' endif enddo enddo else write(*,*) 'TOPOINTEGRAL: only intmethod = 1,2 is supported' endif topointegral= theintegral return end function