tick_newdt.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: tick_newdt.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
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c c ------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine tick(nvar,iout,nstart,nstop,cut,vtime,time,ichkpt, & naux,nout,tout,tchk,t0) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" logical vtime, dumpout, dumpchk, varRefTime/.true./ dimension dtnew(maxlv), ntogo(maxlv), tlevel(maxlv) dimension tout(nout) dimension tchk(maxout) c c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TICK ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c main driver routine. controls: c integration of all grids. c error estimation / regridding c output counting c updating of fine to coarse grids c parameters: c nstop = # of coarse grid time steps to be taken c iout = output interval every 'iout' coarse time steps c (if 0, not used - set to inf.) c vtime = true for variable timestep, calculated each coarse step c c integration strategy is to advance a fine grid until it catches c up to the coarse grid. this strategy is applied recursively. c coarse grid goes first. c c nsteps: used to count how number steps left for a level to be c integrated before it catches up with the next coarser level. c ncycle: counts number of coarse grid steps = # cycles. c c icheck: counts the number of steps (incrementing by 1 c each step) to keep track of when that level should c have its error estimated and finer levels should be regridded. c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: c integer verbosity_regrid c # Eventually add this to new input params? c # For now use verbosity, or set to 0 to suppress printing regrid info: verbosity_regrid = method(4) ncycle = nstart call setbestsrc() ! need at very start of run, including restart if ( iout .eq. 0) iout = iinfinity if (ichkpt .eq. 0) ichkpt = iinfinity nextout = 1 if (nout .gt. 0) then tfinal = tout(nout) c if this is a restart, make sure output times start after restart time if (nstart .gt. 0) then do ii = 1, nout if (tout(ii) .gt. time) then nextout = ii go to 2 endif end do 2 continue endif else tfinal = rinfinity endif nextchk = 1 if (nstart .gt. 0 .and. ichkpt.lt.0) then c if this is a restart, make sure chkpt times start after restart time do ii = 1, -ichkpt if (tchk(ii) .gt. time) then nextchk = ii go to 3 endif enddo 3 continue endif tlevel(1) = time do 5 i = 2, mxnest tlevel(i) = tlevel(1) 5 continue c c ------ start of coarse grid integration loop. ------------------ c 20 if (ncycle .ge. nstop .or. time .ge. tfinal) goto 999 if (nextout .le. nout) then outtime = tout(nextout) else outtime = rinfinity endif if (nextchk .le. -ichkpt) then chktime = tchk(nextchk) else chktime = rinfinity endif c if (time.lt.outtime .and. time + possk(1) .ge. outtime) then if (time.lt.outtime .and. time+1.001*possk(1) .ge. outtime) then c apr 2010 mjb: modified so allow slightly larger timestep to c hit output time exactly, instead of taking minuscule timestep c should still be stable since increase dt in only 3rd digit. c ## adjust time step to hit outtime exactly, and make output oldposs = possk(1) possk(1) = outtime - time c write(*,*)" old possk is ", possk(1) diffdt = oldposs - possk(1) ! if positive new step is smaller if (method(4).ge.2) then ! verbosity test to write(*,122) diffdt,outtime ! notify of change 122 format(" Adjusting timestep by ",e10.3, . " to hit output time of ",e12.6) c write(*,*)" new possk is ", possk(1) if (diffdt .lt. 0.) then ! new step is slightly larger pctIncrease = -100.*diffdt/oldposs ! minus sign to make whole expr. positive write(*,123) pctIncrease 123 format(" New step is ",e8.2," % larger.", . " Should still be stable") endif endif do 12 i = 2, mxnest 12 possk(i) = possk(i-1) / kratio(i-1) nextout = nextout + 1 dumpout = .true. else dumpout = .false. endif if (time.lt.chktime .and. time + possk(1) .ge. chktime) then c ## adjust time step to hit chktime exactly, and do checkpointing possk(1) = chktime - time do 13 i = 2, mxnest 13 possk(i) = possk(i-1) / kratio(i-1) nextchk = nextchk + 1 dumpchk = .true. else dumpchk = .false. endif c take output stuff from here - put it back at end. c level = 1 ntogo(level) = 1 do 10 i = 1, maxlv 10 dtnew(i) = rinfinity c c ------------- regridding time? --------- c c check if either c (i) this level should have its error estimated before being advanced c (ii) this level needs to provide boundary values for either of c next 2 finer levels to have their error estimated. c this only affects two grid levels higher, occurs because c previous time step needs boundary vals for giant step. c no error estimation on finest possible grid level c 60 continue if (icheck(level) .ge. kcheck) then lbase = level else if (level+1 .ge. mxnest) then go to 90 else if (icheck(level+1) .ge. kcheck) then lbase = level+1 else if (level+2 .ge. mxnest) then go to 90 else if (icheck(level+2) .ge. kcheck) then lbase = level+2 else go to 90 endif if (lbase .eq. mxnest .or. lbase .gt. lfine) go to 70 c c regrid level 'lbase+1' up to finest level. c level 'lbase' stays fixed. c if (rprint) write(outunit,101) lbase 101 format(8h level ,i5,32h stays fixed during regridding ) call regrid(nvar,lbase,cut,naux,t0) call setbestsrc() ! need at every grid change c call conck(1,nvar,time) c call outtre(lstart(lbase+1),.true.,nvar,naux) c note negative time to signal regridding output in plots c call valout(lbase,lfine,-tlevel(lbase),nvar,naux) c c maybe finest level in existence has changed. reset counters. c if (rprint .and. lbase .lt. lfine) then call outtre(lstart(lbase+1),.false.,nvar,naux) endif 70 continue do 80 i = lbase, lfine 80 icheck(i) = 0 do 81 i = lbase+1, lfine 81 tlevel(i) = tlevel(lbase) c c MJB: modified to check level where new grids start, which is lbase+1 c initial code incorrectly used level in the following lines if (verbosity_regrid.ge.lbase+1) then c mptr = lstart(level) mptr = lstart(lbase+1) numgrids = 0 numcells = 0 do while (mptr .gt. 0) numgrids = numgrids + 1 numcells = numcells + (iregend(level)-iregst(level)+1) & * (jregend(level)-jregst(level)+1) mptr = node(levelptr, mptr) enddo if (lbase+1.gt.1) then c # don't bother on level 1, which always covers full domain c # with specified mx, my. write(6,1007) lbase+1,numgrids, numcells 1007 format(' Regridded Level',i3,' and higher ... Now', & i4,' grid(s) with',i9,' cells on this level') do levnew = lbase+1,lfine write(6,1006) intratx(levnew-1),intraty(levnew-1), & kratio(levnew-1),levnew 1006 format(' Refinement ratios... in x:', i3, & ' in y:',i3,' in t:',i3,' for level ',i4) end do endif endif c ------- done regridding -------------------- c c integrate all grids at level 'level'. c 90 continue call advanc(level,nvar,dtlevnew,vtime,naux) c # rjl modified 6/17/05 to print out *after* advanc and print cfl c # rjl & mjb changed to cfl_level, 3/17/10 timenew = tlevel(level)+possk(level) if (tprint) then write(outunit,100)level,cfl_level,possk(level),timenew endif if (method(4).ge.level) then write(6,100)level,cfl_level,possk(level),timenew endif 100 format(' AMRCLAW: level ',i2,' CFL = ',e8.3, & ' dt = ',e10.4, ' final t = ',e12.6) c # to debug individual grid updates... c call valout(level,level,time,nvar,naux) c c done with a level of integration. update counts, decide who next. c ntogo(level) = ntogo(level) - 1 dtnew(level) = dmin1(dtnew(level),dtlevnew) tlevel(level) = tlevel(level) + possk(level) icheck(level) = icheck(level) + 1 c if (level .lt. lfine) then level = level + 1 c # check if should adjust finer grid time step to start wtih if (((possk(level-1) - dtnew(level-1))/dtnew(level-1)) .gt. . .05) then dttemp = dtnew(level-1)/kratio(level-1) ntogo(level) = (tlevel(level-1)-tlevel(level))/dttemp+.9 else ntogo(level) = kratio(level-1) endif possk(level) = possk(level-1)/ntogo(level) go to 60 endif c 105 if (level .eq. 1) go to 110 if (ntogo(level) .gt. 0) then c same level goes again. check for ok time step 106 if ((possk(level)-dtnew(level))/dtnew(level) . .gt. .05) then write(6,*)" ***adjusting timestep for level ",level write(6,*)" old ntogo dt ",ntogo(level),possk(level) c adjust time steps for this and finer levels ntogo(level) = ntogo(level) + 1 possk(level) = (tlevel(level-1)-tlevel(level))/ . ntogo(level) if (varRefTime) then kratio(level-1) = ceiling(possk(level-1) / . possk(level)) endif write(6,*)" new ntogo dt ",ntogo(level),possk(level) go to 106 endif go to 60 else level = level - 1 call update(level,nvar) endif go to 105 c c --------------one complete coarse grid integration cycle done. ----- c c time for output? done with the whole thing? c 110 continue time = time + possk(1) ncycle = ncycle + 1 call conck(1,nvar,time) if ((ichkpt.gt.0 .and. mod(ncycle,ichkpt).eq.0) & .or. dumpchk) then call check(ncycle,time,nvar,naux) endif if ((mod(ncycle,iout).eq.0) .or. dumpout) then call valout(1,lfine,time,nvar,naux) if (printout) call outtre(mstart,.true.,nvar,naux) endif if ( .not. vtime) go to 201 c c ## adjust time steps if variable time step and/or variable refinement ratios in time c if (.not. varRefTime) then c c find new dt for next cycle (passed back from integration routine). do 115 i = 2, lfine ii = lfine+1-i dtnew(ii) = min(dtnew(ii),dtnew(ii+1)*kratio(ii)) 115 continue possk(1) = dtnew(1) do 120 i = 2, mxnest 120 possk(i) = possk(i-1) / kratio(i-1) else ! since refinement ratio in time can change need to set new timesteps in different order c ! use same alg. as when setting refinement when first make new fine grids possk(1) = dtnew(1) do 125 i = 2, lfine if (dtnew(i) .gt. possk(i-1)) then kratio(i-1) = 1 ! cant have larger timestep than parent level possk(i) = possk(i-1) else kratio(i-1) = ceiling(possk(i-1)/dtnew(i)) ! round up for stable integer ratio possk(i) = possk(i-1)/kratio(i-1) ! set exact timestep on this level endif 125 continue endif 201 go to 20 c 999 continue c c # computation is complete to final time or requested number of steps c if (ncycle .ge. nstop .and. tfinal .lt. rinfinity) then c # warn the user that calculation finished prematurely write(outunit,102) nstop write(6,102) nstop 102 format('*** Computation halted after nv(1) = ',i8, & ' steps on coarse grid') endif c c # final output (unless we just did it above) c if (.not. dumpout) then if (mod(ncycle,iout).ne.0) then call valout(1,lfine,time,nvar,naux) if (printout) call outtre(mstart,.true.,nvar,naux) endif endif c # checkpoint everything for possible future restart c # (unless we just did it based on ichkpt or dumpchk) c c # don't checkpoint at all if user set ichkpt=0 if (ichkpt .gt. 0) then if ((ncycle/ichkpt)*ichkpt .ne. ncycle) then call check(ncycle,time,nvar,naux) endif endif if (ichkpt .lt. 0) then if (.not. dumpchk) then call check(ncycle,time,nvar,naux) endif endif return end