step2_geo.f.html | ![]() |
Source file: step2_geo.f | |
Directory: /home/rjl/git/rjleveque/clawpack-4.x/geoclaw/2d/lib | |
Converted: Sun May 15 2011 at 19:15:41 using clawcode2html | |
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c c c ========================================================== subroutine step2(maxm,maxmx,maxmy,meqn,maux,mbc,mx,my, & qold,aux,dx,dy,dt,cflgrid, & fm,fp,gm,gp, & faddm,faddp,gaddm,gaddp,q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy1d, & aux1,aux2,aux3,work,mwork,rpn2,rpt2) c ========================================================== c c # clawpack routine ... modified for AMRCLAW c c # Take one time step, updating q. c # On entry, qold gives c # initial data for this step c # and is unchanged in this version. c c # fm, fp are fluxes to left and right of single cell edge c # See the flux2 documentation for more information. c c # modified again for GeoClaw c------------------step2_geo.f----------------------- c This version of step2 relimits the fluxes in order to c maintain positivity. c to do so set relimit=.true. c The only modification is the 101 loop c------------last modified 12/30/04-------------------------- c use geoclaw_module implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension qold(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension fm(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension fp(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension gm(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension gp(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, meqn) dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension faddm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension faddp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gaddm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2) dimension gaddp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxmx+mbc, 1-mbc:maxmy+mbc, maux) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux) dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension dtdy1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension work(mwork) logical relimit common /comxyt/ dtcom,dxcom,dycom,tcom,icom,jcom include "call.i" c c # to relimit fluxes to maintain positivity relimit=.false. c # for relimiting to keep values very near zero positive. c c # store mesh parameters that may be needed in Riemann solver but not c # passed in... dxcom = dx dycom = dy dtcom = dt c c c # partition work array into pieces needed for local storage in c # flux2 routine. Find starting index of each piece: c i0wave = 1 i0s = i0wave + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn*mwaves i0amdq = i0s + (maxm+2*mbc)*mwaves i0apdq = i0amdq + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0cqxx = i0apdq + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0bmadq = i0cqxx + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0bpadq = i0bmadq + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn iused = i0bpadq + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn - 1 c if ( then c # This shouldn't happen due to checks in claw2 write(outunit,*) 'not enough work space in step2' write(* ,*) 'not enough work space in step2' stop endif c c cflgrid = 0.d0 dtdx = dt/dx dtdy = dt/dy c do 10 m=1,meqn do 10 i=1-mbc,mx+mbc do 10 j=1-mbc,my+mbc fm(i,j,m) = 0.d0 fp(i,j,m) = 0.d0 gm(i,j,m) = 0.d0 gp(i,j,m) = 0.d0 10 continue c if (mcapa.eq.0) then c # no capa array: do 5 i=1-mbc,maxm+mbc dtdx1d(i) = dtdx dtdy1d(i) = dtdy 5 continue endif c c c # perform x-sweeps c ================== c do 50 j = 0,my+1 c c # copy data along a slice into 1d arrays: do 20 m=1,meqn do 20 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc q1d(i,m) = qold(i,j,m) 20 continue c if ( then do 21 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc dtdx1d(i) = dtdx / aux(i,j,mcapa) 21 continue endif c if (maux .gt. 0) then do 22 ma=1,maux do 22 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc aux1(i,ma) = aux(i,j-1,ma) aux2(i,ma) = aux(i,j ,ma) aux3(i,ma) = aux(i,j+1,ma) 22 continue endif c c c # Store the value of j along this slice in the common block c # comxyt in case it is needed in the Riemann solver (for c # variable coefficient problems) jcom = j c c # compute modifications fadd and gadd to fluxes along this slice: call flux2(1,maxm,meqn,maux,mbc,mx, & q1d,dtdx1d,aux1,aux2,aux3, & faddm,faddp,gaddm,gaddp,cfl1d, & work(i0wave),work(i0s),work(i0amdq),work(i0apdq), & work(i0cqxx),work(i0bmadq),work(i0bpadq),rpn2,rpt2) cflgrid = dmax1(cflgrid,cfl1d) c c # update fluxes for use in AMR: c do 25 m=1,meqn do 25 i=1,mx+1 fm(i,j,m) = fm(i,j,m) + faddm(i,m) fp(i,j,m) = fp(i,j,m) + faddp(i,m) gm(i,j,m) = gm(i,j,m) + gaddm(i,m,1) gp(i,j,m) = gp(i,j,m) + gaddp(i,m,1) gm(i,j+1,m) = gm(i,j+1,m) + gaddm(i,m,2) gp(i,j+1,m) = gp(i,j+1,m) + gaddp(i,m,2) 25 continue 50 continue c c c c # perform y sweeps c ================== c c do 100 i = 0, mx+1 c c # copy data along a slice into 1d arrays: do 70 m=1,meqn do 70 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc q1d(j,m) = qold(i,j,m) 70 continue c if ( then do 71 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc dtdy1d(j) = dtdy / aux(i,j,mcapa) 71 continue endif c if (maux .gt. 0) then do 72 ma=1,maux do 72 j = 1-mbc, my+mbc aux1(j,ma) = aux(i-1,j,ma) aux2(j,ma) = aux(i, j,ma) aux3(j,ma) = aux(i+1,j,ma) 72 continue endif c c c # Store the value of i along this slice in the common block c # comxyt in case it is needed in the Riemann solver (for c # variable coefficient problems) icom = i c c # compute modifications fadd and gadd to fluxes along this slice: call flux2(2,maxm,meqn,maux,mbc,my, & q1d,dtdy1d,aux1,aux2,aux3, & faddm,faddp,gaddm,gaddp,cfl1d, & work(i0wave),work(i0s),work(i0amdq),work(i0apdq), & work(i0cqxx),work(i0bmadq),work(i0bpadq),rpn2,rpt2) c cflgrid = dmax1(cflgrid,cfl1d) c c # c # update fluxes for use in AMR: c do 75 m=1,meqn do 75 j=1,my+1 gm(i,j,m) = gm(i,j,m) + faddm(j,m) gp(i,j,m) = gp(i,j,m) + faddp(j,m) fm(i,j,m) = fm(i,j,m) + gaddm(j,m,1) fp(i,j,m) = fp(i,j,m) + gaddp(j,m,1) fm(i+1,j,m) = fm(i+1,j,m)+ gaddm(j,m,2) fp(i+1,j,m) = fp(i+1,j,m)+ gaddp(j,m,2) 75 continue 100 continue c # relimit correction fluxes if they drive a cell negative if (relimit) then dtdxij=dtdx dtdyij=dtdy do 101 i=1,mx do 101 j=1,my if ( then dtdxij=dtdx/aux(i,j,mcapa) dtdyij=dtdy/aux(i,j,mcapa) endif p = dmax1(0.d0,dtdxij*fm(i+1,j,1)) & + dmax1(0.d0,dtdyij*gm(i,j+1,1)) & - dmin1(0.d0,dtdxij*fp(i,j,1)) & - dmin1(0.d0,dtdyij*gp(i,j,1)) phi = dmin1(1.d0, & dabs(qold(i,j,1)/(p+drytolerance))) if ( then do m=1,meqn if (fp(i,j,1).lt.0.d0) then cm=fp(i,j,m)-fm(i,j,m) fm(i,j,m)=phi*fm(i,j,m) fp(i,j,m)=fm(i,j,m)+cm endif if (gp(i,j,1).lt.0.d0) then cm=gp(i,j,m)-gm(i,j,m) gm(i,j,m)=phi*gm(i,j,m) gp(i,j,m)=gm(i,j,m)+cm endif if (fm(i+1,j,1).gt.0.d0) then cm=fp(i+1,j,m)-fm(i+1,j,m) fp(i+1,j,m)=phi*fp(i+1,j,m) fm(i+1,j,m)=fp(i+1,j,m)-cm endif if (gm(i,j+1,1).gt.0.d0) then cm=gp(i,j+1,m)-gm(i,j+1,m) gp(i,j+1,m)=phi*gp(i,j+1,m) gm(i,j+1,m)=gp(i,j+1,m)-cm endif enddo endif 101 continue endif c return end